This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
If anyone reads this and you can get it working for 3.3, please get back to me. I've played with this addon for so long I'm finding it difficult to play without it. Or if someone could take it over and get it up and running. I, and I'm sure many others would very much appreciate it.
Is this going to be updated? I really loved this program and how I could click cast on a enemies and not just their portrait.
Is there another program that allows you to cast by click on the enemies(not the portrait)?
But it's not working... not sure if it's how I typed the macro or what.. but when I hit shift and leftclick as I have the macro set to tha, nothing happens.
If anyone reads this and you can get it working for 3.3, please get back to me. I've played with this addon for so long I'm finding it difficult to play without it. Or if someone could take it over and get it up and running. I, and I'm sure many others would very much appreciate it.
I suppose it's too much to hope that this will be updated for 3.3...
Is there another program that allows you to cast by click on the enemies(not the portrait)?
Modifier: Shift+left click = /cast [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead] Devastate
But it's not working... not sure if it's how I typed the macro or what.. but when I hit shift and leftclick as I have the macro set to tha, nothing happens.
Install patch 3.0 Download new version c2c stop all function and interactions
remove all addons c2c new version un c2c dont run