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UploadedJun 30, 2015
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.0
Jason Brown:
- Changes for move to git
- Coconuts: - Fixes to support the chauffeured mounts
- Coconuts: - Update for 6.2 - Fix chauffeur mounts for characters that do not know riding.
- Coconuts: - Update toc
- Coconuts: - Change when mounts are repicked when summoning
- Coconuts: - Fix for logging in and being mounted breaking
- Coconuts: - Improvements to mount management - Running wild will work again - New features for flying mounts in ground zones should work - Forms not working correctly yet
- Coconuts: - New features: - Don't summon flying mounts with no walk animation in ground-only zones - Don't summon big flying mounts in ground-only zones - Work around a bug with IsFlyableZone() for Draenor
- Coconuts: - Update (mostly, it works at least) for WoW 6.0
- Coconuts: - Oops WoW is at 5.3 not 5.4
- Coconuts: - TOC update
- Coconuts: - TOC Copyright date update
- Coconuts: - TOC update for WoW 5.2
- Coconuts: - Fix issue 80, mounts without database entries not being properly detected
- Coconuts: - TOC update for WoW 5.1
- Coconuts: - Fix for skill detection and verification
- Coconuts: - Fixed .pkgmeta to include LibLordFarlander-2.1 not 2.0
- Coconuts: - Changes to support LibLordFarlander-PetAndMountDatabase-3.0 - Update to LibLordFarlander-UI-2.1 - Fixes for detecting mounts that the player cannot summon because of lacking skills - Some favorites functionality is currently disabled
- Coconuts: - Fix leaking globals that were causing tainting in the Glyph UI
- Coconuts: - Update TOC compatible version to WoW 5.0.4
- Coconuts: - TOC update
- Coconuts: - Set replace tags - Set file mime types
- Coconuts: - Changes to support the new database format. - Removed unneeded semicolons. - Standardize the capitalization of subfolder names with my other addons.
- Coconuts: - TOC Update for WoW 4.3
- Coconuts: - Make frequency sliders wider
- Coconuts: - Remove an old debug message that could cause errors to appear
- Coconuts: - Finally fix item mounts - Fix aquatic and swimming mounts being IDed as flying mounts
- Coconuts: - Fix issue 71
- Coconuts: - More fixes for item mounts
- Coconuts: - Fix item mounts causing problems - Fixes for mounts that are still in the database (passenger, item) - Fix tooltip when in a not-mountable area or on a taxi - Note, there is still a problem where the button won't update when just getting off a taxi. Pressing one of the modifier buttons will fix the button, and clicking on it will still summon your mount.
- Coconuts: - Removed debugging messages
- Coconuts: - Fix detection of where the seahorses should be used - Update TOC - Change mount spell detection to use parameters from the companion functions, automatic detection of flying mounts that are usable in ground only zones, and mix them together properly
- Coconuts: - Fix TOC compatibility
- Coconuts: - Fix issues 63 & 64
- Coconuts: - Fix button icon in non-mountable areas (currently same as dismount icon) - Fix underwater mounting when standing on sea floor
- Coconuts: - Better support for underwater and swimming mounts - Use IsUsableSpell to help determine what type of mount is usable in a zone/subzone - Update TOC with 4.1 compatibility
- Coconuts: - Fix some aquatic mount stuff - Fix GetWintergraspWaitTime error (need to research WHAT is supposed to be used instead) - Fix Dalaran now being completely flyable
- Coconuts: - Add support for underwater zones - Seahorse is no longer in aquatic set
- Coconuts: - Fix for flying zone only scaling mounts
- Coconuts: - Fix full scaling mounts not being added to ground sets - May still have the reverse problem that flying only can get into ground sets?
- Coconuts: - TOC update - Simplify mount detection
- Coconuts: - Fully support 4.0.1 - Note that the support for the seahorse in Cataclysm has not yet been added
- Coconuts: - Update for WoW 4.0+
- Coconuts: - Cataclysm fix for summoning
- Coconuts: - Wintergrasp detecting works 100% now
- Coconuts: - Fix LearnedSkill_ registering for localized clients
- Coconuts: - Removed unwanted check for riding skill
- Coconuts: - Fix Fast flying speed for variable speed mounts (for real this time right number and everything)
- Coconuts: - Fix mount speed for variable speed mounts at 60% flying speed skill - Force mount list reset when leveling riding
- Coconuts: - Fixes for variable mounts so they really actually work now
- Coconuts: - Hopefully makes Wintergrasp work better. Need some people to test that more for me. - Passenger mounts now also show in in the "normal" mount list for their speed - Add support for flying passenger mounts - Add support for variable speed mounts being effected by max mount speed and other variable speed mount fixes
- Coconuts: - Fix maybe for variable?
- Coconuts: - Fix for ticket 44
- Coconuts: - Helps to get the version right
- Coconuts: - TOC Version bump
- Coconuts: - Change getting ismounted to asking SpecialEvents-Mount to fix getting dismount when getting off taxis after zoning
- Coconuts: - Update for variable speed ground mounts allowing for run-speed if no riding skill known
- Coconuts: - TOC Version update
- Coconuts: - Riding speed fixes
- Coconuts: - Fix for having the wrong state
- Coconuts: - Fix aquatic mounts getting set as ground passenger too
- Coconuts: - Change paths to use [[]] string format
- Coconuts: - Moved FirstSeen to char storage from profile
- Coconuts: - 3.0 beta - Handles Aquatic mounts - Internal changed to make a bit less redundant
- Coconuts: - Randomizer fix
- Coconuts: - Fix for ticket 25
- Coconuts: - Fix for weighting
- Coconuts: - Fix for boost new with never cast mounts
- Coconuts: - Fix the boost problem
- Coconuts: - Fix for liking to pick the last thing in a list when BoostNew is on
- Coconuts: - Fix some errors from the configuration
- Coconuts: - Fixed
- Coconuts: - Hopeful fix for going wacky when porting/hearthing/etc - Added options to boost weighting of new mounts
- Coconuts: - Add back in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj tests
- Coconuts: - Fix favorites
- Coconuts: - Works again!
- Coconuts: - Table recycling fixes
- Coconuts: - Fix the embed order
- Coconuts: - Fixes for table recycling
- Coconuts: - More table recycling
- Coconuts: - Dirty bag full resets use NUM_BAG_SLOTS
- Coconuts: - Make use of more table recycling
- Coconuts: - Finish up chat commands to summon mounts
- Coconuts: - Command line mount summoning is now hierarchical, still need to add passenger mounts and automatic mode
- Coconuts: - The summony commands work right
- Coconuts: - Update to changed names of LibLordFarlander sublibraries
- Coconuts: MiniPet: - Initial checkin of 2.6 - Added ability to summon the random mounts by type from the command line or clicking on LDB frame IF that mount is a learned mount - list and refresh command options moved back to the top level (ie /mp list and /mp refresh) - Command options to force a new random mount and cycle the modifier item - Can click the LDB button to dismount and exit vehicle
- Coconuts: - zhCN/TW updates
Jason Brown:
- Coconuts: - Fix for not setting self to vehicle exit properly
- Coconuts: - Button changes to exit vehicle if in a vehicle
- Coconuts: - Fix for ticket 17
- Coconuts: - Zone favorites will now only list zones that are actually mountable in
- Coconuts: - Really did fix modifier item cycling
- Coconuts: - Now possible to mount a flying mount at Krasus' Landing (Needs to be localized...)
- Coconuts: - Allow flying in Krassus Landing - Fix for secure frame detection in LDB support
- Coconuts: - Ticket 13: Fix for an error when favorites lists contain a mount that the player no longer has in their cache - Secure LDB display support
- Coconuts: - Fix for ticket 12 - Favor more passengers option
- Coconuts: - Got rid of 2.4.3 support code - Can now autodetect passenger mounts from tooltip info
- Coconuts: - Fix for zone favorite frequency setting
- Coconuts: - Fix for OnClick functionality with LDB
- Coconuts: - Opps @project-revision@ got replaced at some point
- Coconuts: - Fix for completely variable mounts not showing up as ground - Localizations for button scaling
- Coconuts: - Fix flight form
- Coconuts: - Fixes for variable mounts - Localisation for auto detecting mounts
- Coconuts: - Option for flight form preferation - Fix for flight form - Fix behavior of variable mounts in flight areas if player's riding is not maxed
- Coconuts: - Removed a debug print
- Coconuts: - Fix for some bad logic :p
- Coconuts: - Seems to be working better
- Coconuts: - Commented out some code to test if its breaking
- Coconuts: - Fix for gui chat command - Remove Temple
- Coconuts: - TOC version bump
- Coconuts: - Fixed a rather annoying typo I wonder why I never had errors with...
- Coconuts: - Class mounts are now listed with the others in 3.0.2
- Coconuts: - Improved variable mount handling
- Coconuts: - Running in 3.0 can figure out unknown mounts
- Coconuts: - Copyright notices - Fix for ticket 1
- Coconuts: - Fix for variable mounts
- Coconuts: - embeds was referring to LDB incorrectly (but it was somehow still working for me :p)
- Coconuts: - Added dependancies to pkgmeta
- Coconuts: - Standardize order of externals - Fixed path to externals (a lot that had unneeded hyphens have been renamed) - Standardize order of TOC, TOC version number includes revision as is my standard
- Coconuts: - Updated to make use of some of the snazzy new features of the revision system
- Coconuts: - Updated externals to new method
- Coconuts: - Updated externals to new method
- Facilitate WowAce-on-CurseForge transition
- Importing old repo data under /trunk
Jason Brown:
- Coconuts: - Modifier item pick order will actually be honored :p
- Coconuts: - LibDataBroker-1.1 support. Note that the item cannot be activated by clicking, the data broker host will only show what the current item is.
- Coconuts: - Added Fresh Dwarven Hops and Fresh Goblin Hops
- Coconuts: - A fix for an error that could occur in the zone favorites - Added ability to set order that modifier items are picked in
- Coconuts: - Won't store favorites that are the default value
- Coconuts: - Fix for not recognizing changing between zones that allow and don't allow flying
- Coconuts: - Favorites and Zone Favorites actually work with the new system
- Coconuts: - Fixed class spell mounts
- Coconuts: - Favorites and Zone Favorites changes (ZF doesn't work) - Works with latest LibLordFarlander
- Coconuts: - Added reminder header to the Zone Favorites - Added back in command line add for Zone Favorites
- Coconuts: - Fixed not finding mounts in bags on login - Changed the Zone Favorites. Zones are now a tree format (it's snazzy) under the continents - Zone Favorites now lists battlegrounds, instances, etc as well
- Coconuts: - Fix for swim check in OnUpdate failing on druids
- Coconuts: - Massive changes to the favorites and zone favorites - Will only update bags that have changed - WotLK support, including passenger mounts (well, when there are some)
- Coconuts: - I should stop for the night :p
- Coconuts: - Darnnit those changes were not supposed to be in there
- Coconuts: - Wow I really pooched that...
- Coconuts: - commas are bad
- Coconuts: - How those spaces get there :p
- Coconuts: - Added localizations of Riding and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj for deDE, esES, koKR, zhCN, zhTW, ruRU, frFR
- Coconuts: - Aquatic form support
- Coconuts: - Added ability to turn of modifier requirement to dismount while flying - Added travel form support - Fix for spells being used as favorites or zone favorites
- Coconuts: - Made sure all the paths and filenames are the correct case
- Coconuts: MiniPet: - Can now add and list favorites and zone favorites from the slash command - UpgradeChecking is now done in OnProfileChanged, which is called to initialize on app load
- Coconuts: - Updated to get button group from LibLordFarlander-UI-2.0 - Changed use of GetZoneText() to GetRealZoneText() - Fixed riding skill not being set if the UI is reloaded - Options will now say what they're set to when using the chat command
- Coconuts: - Button and profile options are now settable via the chat window
- Coconuts: - Don't get the riding skill until after PLAYER_LOGIN
- Coconuts: - Entering combat will trigger Auto Hide
- Coconuts: - Will no longer suggest mounts that the player doesn't have the riding skill to use - Disable button when in combat - Tooltip when mounted will correctly show what modifier keys will let the player dismount
- Coconuts: - Removed some unnecessary lines
- Coconuts: - Fixed a reference to MiniPet that should have been self
- Coconuts: - Fixed capitalization of CallbackHandler's path in embeds.xml - Removed SetBackdropColor for the tooltip, it isn't needed - Fix for upgrading from Mount to keep the same key binding - Removed uneeded dprints
- Coconuts: - Changed the button options to be gotten from LibLordFarlander-UI - Added localization strings for the new button fading options - Icons are added when listing the mounts - The favorites lists now show icons and spells work right going
- Coconuts: - No longer will suggest mounts that the player doesn't meet the level requirement for
- Coconuts: - Refresh the button then the user changes the Zone Favorites - Soulbound check on favorites
- Coconuts: - Added Profile setting via the Blizzard addon interface dialog - Zone Favorites dropdown will now default to the current zone of the player
- Coconuts: - Added missing externals...
- Coconuts: - Fix for removing zone favorites
- Coconuts: - Changed when libraries are loaded - Zone favorites works now
- Coconuts: - Changed embeds and dependencies to match PetAndMountDatabase now being a module of LPT3.1 - Added Favorites, it and Zone Favorites need to be tested throughly - Zone Favorites should do spells now too
- Coconuts: - Added some missing Ace3 libs to embeds.xml
- Coconuts: - Coconuts is the continuation of Mount - Zone Favorites are implemented and setable but need more testing - No way to set favorites yet - Modifier keys are now configurable - Ace3'd - Now uses LibLordFarlander-2.0 - Updated to use LibPetAndMountDatabase-1.1