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UploadedApr 8, 2013
Size188.26 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.2.0
- 2 more pets updated
- Get those Pandaria waypoints working
- Found the last collectable that was mis-flagged, resulting in it not appearing. Worked on filters a bit.
- Fixing some flags, etc
- Filters fixed.
- Fix a bug where the filter wasn't added at all. Surprised no one ran into it.
- Continuation of addition of info to database.
- Quick push for localization I forgot last night
- Continue adding info for new Battle pets location feature - zone, level of pet in zone, co-ords. Added 5.3 pets, commented out at end.
James D. Callahan III:
- Fix for Waypoints (if we ever add them!)
- temporarily comment out requiredfaction lines, adding location data for a few pets, update level ranges for several battle pets
James D. Callahan III:
- Hide and release the acquire tooltip and clear the selected line when switching tabs. Also, commit a bunch of other files since the OSX WoW launcher insists on changing my AddOn file permissions.
- Made pet_prototype:AddZoneLocation() actually add and display the locations/coords.
- Removed unnecessary pet:AddWorldDrop() calls.
- Zooey Snake is found in Kun-Lai Summit - not Zul'Drak.
- Whitespace cleanup.
- Kill the typo!
- Cleanup.
John Pasula:
- Update the Zandalari Raptors.
- Fix some 5.2 battle pet rarities.