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UploadedMay 28, 2016
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.4
tag 6.2.3
Talryn <git@talryn.sent.com>
2015-08-18 15:26:38 -0400
Tag as 6.2.3.
- Fix compile issue with global srTimer.
- Fix issue with T18 2 pc enable. * Fix issue where both procs show when either is enabled. Individual procs should only show up when enabled.
- Fix issue with tier data. * Fix issue with tier data that resulted in T18 not being checked.
- SR CD improvement, Necroticblight lock bugfix. * Improve Soul Reaper CD tracking. CD is now tracked by watching for SR to be used. Once used, the addon tries to use the CD returned by the game as long as it isn't the GCD or a rune cooldown. If it fails to get an appropriate CD, it assumes a 6 second cooldown. It should fix the random, inconsistent SR CDs from the previous method. * Fix a bug that resulted in the Nectroticblight frame not locking and unlocking so it couldn't be moved via the mouse.