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Message: Interface/AddOns/CompactRunes/CompactRunes.lua:3238: attempt to call field 'IsUsableSpell' (a nil value)Time: Sat Aug 17 21:57:43 2024Count: 1Stack: Interface/AddOns/CompactRunes/CompactRunes.lua:3238: attempt to call field 'IsUsableSpell' (a nil value)[string "@Interface/AddOns/CompactRunes/CompactRunes.lua"]:3238: in function `CheckSoulReaper'[string "@Interface/AddOns/CompactRunes/CompactRunes.lua"]:3284: in function `?'[string "@Interface/AddOns/AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...ons/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "@Interface/AddOns/AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...ons/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>[string "@Interface/AddOns/AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'[string "@Interface/AddOns/BoostingTools/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...Ons/BoostingTools/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
Locals: self = <table> { modules = <table> { } LastFightStats = <table> { } regenAbilitiesBySpec = <table> { } db = <table> { } targetHostile = false optionsFrame = <table> { } name = "Compact Runes" AbilityProcsList = <table> { } defaultModuleState = true altRuneBkg = <table> { } baseName = "CompactRunes" enabledState = true AbilityProcs = <table> { } defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } currentProcs = <table> { } TotalStats = <table> { } HasRuneCD = <table> { } blocks = <table> { } orderedModules = <table> { } specialProcs = <table> { } enabled = <table> { } regenAbilities = <table> { } playerName = "佛龛" DefaultCDBarOrderings = <table> { } PriorityListDefaults = <table> { } cdbars = <table> { }}update = falsechanged = falsespellId = 343294start = 0duration = 0enabled = trueready = true(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = 343294(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'IsUsableSpell' (a nil value)"addon = <table> { SpellNames = <table> { } defaults = <table> { } addonVersion = "11.0.2" layouts = <table> { } addonNameCondensed = "CompactRunes" modules = <table> { } MIN_UPDATE_TIME = 0.050000 targetPercent = 0 addonTitle = "Compact Runes" defaultSoundChannel = "Master" SOUL_REAPER_PERCENT = 0.350000 tierCount = <table> { } Talents = <table> { } ItemProcs = <table> { } callbacks = <table> { } frames = <table> { } CURRENT_BUILD = "11.0.2" isDK = true BfA = true NUMBER_RUNES = 6 addonName = "Compact Runes" playerGUID = "Player-1696-0216AE80" IconBar = <table> { } db = <table> { } petBuffs = <table> { } Bar = <table> { } soulReaperEnabled = true UpdateDisplayEvents = <table> { } ItemIcons = <table> { } BONE_SHIELD_LOW = 6 meleeRangeSpell = 55090 IgnoreRuneCDs = <table> { } lastrp = 0 SpecialSpellNames = <table> { } soulReaperPercent = 0.350000 StandardDiseases = <table> { } meleeRangeSpellName = "天灾打击" FrameNames = <table> { } profile = <table> { } options = <table> { } CooldownBar = <table> { } Stats = <table> { } ItemIds = <table> { } CURRENT_BUILD_DATE = "Aug 14 2024" SpellIds = <table> { } DynamicSpells = <table> { } runeCD = 10 TalentsBySpec = <table> { } ReverseItemNames = <table> { } ItemNames = <table> { } LayoutManager = <table> { } targetHealth = 0 targetMaxHealth = 0 currentSpec = "Unholy" scripts = <table> { } Shadowlands = true gcd = 1.500000 CURRENT_UI_VERSION = 110002 PESTILENT_PUSTULES_MAX = 8 SetSecondaryValuePoints = <table> { } CURRENT_INTERNAL = "56162" mainFrame = CompactRunes_Display { } depletedRunes = 0 bars = <table> { } SpellIcons = <table> { } MAX_BONESHIELD_CHARGES = 10}SpellIds = <table> { Relish in Blood = 317610 Anti-Magic Zone = 51052 Rune Strike = 210764 Sacrificial Pact = 327574 Infected Claws = 207272 Surge of Strength = 138702 Unholy Pact = 319230 Runi
This issue should be fixed with the latest version (11.0.3). If you still have the issue let me know.
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