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UploadedSep 20, 2007
Size169.58 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.1.3
r49265 | ckknight | 2007-09-19 02:52:53 -0400 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
CowTip_Text - change the strata of the Okay button as well
r49263 | ckknight | 2007-09-19 02:49:54 -0400 (Wed, 19 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
CowTip_Text - make line edit dialog a higher frame strata.
r49230 | ckknight | 2007-09-18 13:12:25 -0400 (Tue, 18 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CowTip/CowTip.lua
CowTip - bugfix
r49090 | ckknight | 2007-09-16 23:55:36 -0400 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CowTip/CowTip.toc
CowTip - add X-Embeds
r49078 | ckknight | 2007-09-16 22:56:48 -0400 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
D /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip
A /trunk/CowTip (from /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip:49077)
CowTip - moving from branches to trunk.
r49065 | ckknight | 2007-09-16 22:27:22 -0400 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/CowTip.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/CowTip.toc
CowTip - bump to version 2.0
r48967 | ckknight | 2007-09-15 00:57:36 -0400 (Sat, 15 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/Appearance/Appearance.lua
CowTip - use Rock's FullyInitialized instead of Ace's
r48960 | ckknight | 2007-09-14 22:32:31 -0400 (Fri, 14 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/CowTip.lua
CowTip - use :SetConfigSlashCommand instead of doing it manually through LibRockConsole-1.0
r48037 | ckknight | 2007-09-03 01:15:09 -0400 (Mon, 03 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
CowTip - LibDogTag-2.0, not 1.0
r48035 | ckknight | 2007-09-03 00:34:13 -0400 (Mon, 03 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
CowTip - fix LibLibDogTag-2.0 thing.
r48030 | ckknight | 2007-09-02 23:33:30 -0400 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/Position/Position.lua
CowTip - fix typo with anchorValidate => anchorChoices
r47996 | ckknight | 2007-09-02 17:58:31 -0400 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/Appearance/Appearance.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/HealthBar/HealthBar.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/PowerBar/PowerBar.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/embeds.xml
M /branches/CowTip/Rock/CowTip/libs
CowTip - upgrade LibDogTag/LibSharedMedia references
r47928 | ckknight | 2007-09-02 03:15:27 -0400 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
D /branches/CowTip/Joker
A /branches/CowTip/Rock (from /branches/CowTip/Joker:47927)
CowTip - renaming Joker branch to Rock branch
r47927 | ckknight | 2007-09-02 03:05:05 -0400 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Appearance/Appearance.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.toc
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Fade/Fade.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/HealthBar/HealthBar.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Position/Position.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/PowerBar/PowerBar.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/RaidTargetIcon/RaidTargetIcon.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/embeds.xml
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/libs
CowTip (Joker branch) - change to Rock trunk instead of Joker branch. Make embeds.xml use lib.xml
r47800 | ckknight | 2007-08-30 18:51:47 -0400 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.toc
CowTip - add ## X-IssueTracker, which should point to the CowTip jira project.
r47606 | ckknight | 2007-08-28 03:29:51 -0400 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.lua
CowTip - added an option to only show tooltips if a modifier is held down.
r47603 | ckknight | 2007-08-28 02:44:19 -0400 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Appearance/Appearance.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.lua
CowTip (Joker branch) - add choiceFonts to the Appearance options
- add icon to the main option.
r47413 | ckknight | 2007-08-25 20:16:40 -0400 (Sat, 25 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.toc
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/embeds.xml
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/libs
CowTip - add LibJokerConfig-1.0 to libs and embeds.xml
- removed the -Ace2- thing in the TOC.
r47276 | ckknight | 2007-08-23 16:54:30 -0400 (Thu, 23 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/embeds.xml
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/libs
CowTip - fix embeds.xml and externals for libs
r47270 | ckknight | 2007-08-23 14:34:47 -0400 (Thu, 23 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.lua
CowTip - remove debug line.
r47168 | ckknight | 2007-08-22 02:15:42 -0400 (Wed, 22 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Fade/Fade.lua
CowTip_Fade - :CancelScheduledEvent -> :RemoveTimer
r47164 | ckknight | 2007-08-21 22:58:46 -0400 (Tue, 21 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Fade/Fade.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Position/Position.lua
CowTip - bugfix with :AddTimer/:AddRepeatingTimer delay positions.
r47155 | ckknight | 2007-08-21 19:12:59 -0400 (Tue, 21 Aug 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Fade/Fade.lua
CowTip - bugfix for Joker systems.
r47052 | ckknight | 2007-08-21 01:58:35 -0400 (Tue, 21 Aug 2007) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Appearance/Appearance.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/CowTip.toc
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Fade/Fade.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/HealthBar/HealthBar.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Position/Position.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/PowerBar/PowerBar.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/RaidTargetIcon/RaidTargetIcon.lua
M /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip/Text/Text.lua
CowTip - convert from Ace2-style to Joker-style
- there may be some kinks.
- I didn't update the externals yet.
- The menu can be accessed through /cowtip
r46957 | ckknight | 2007-08-20 02:56:00 -0400 (Mon, 20 Aug 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
A /branches/CowTip/Joker/CowTip (from /trunk/CowTip:46956)
CowTip - copying to Joker branch