All Namespaces
- %s's %s
- Always show left texts, even if the right text is empty
- Always show texts
- Aquatic
- Bear
- Blood Elf
- Blood Elf_female
- Blood Elf_short
- Boss
- Cat
- Classcolored Name
- Code
- Code the template uses
- Colored Name with title
- Dead
- Death Knight
- Death Knight_female
- Death Knight_short
- DogTag
- Dogtag-code
- Draenei
- Draenei_female
- Draenei_short
- Druid
- Druid_female
- Druid_short
- Dwarf
- Dwarf_female
- Dwarf_short
- Edit Line Text
- Edit Text-codes
- Elite
- Faction
- Feigned Death
- Flight
- function-code to retrieve the code from
- General
- Ghost
- Gnome
- Gnome_female
- Gnome_short
- Guild
- Guild with rank
- Human
- Human_female
- Human_short
- Hunter
- Hunter_female
- Hunter_short
- Left
- Level Class
- Level Class Race
- Line %d
- Mage
- Mage_female
- Mage_short
- Moonkin
- Name
- Name with title
- Night Elf
- Night Elf_female
- Night Elf_short
- None
- Offline
- Open Configuration
- Open standalone Configuration
- Orc
- Orc_female
- Orc_short
- Paladin
- Paladin_female
- Paladin_short
- Plain Text
- Priest
- Priest_female
- Priest_short
- Print errors to Chatframe
- Rare
- Rare-Elite
- Right
- Rogue
- Rogue_female
- Rogue_short
- Scanning Talents...
- Select how the text should be obtained
- Select line
- Select Provider
- Select the line you want to edit
- Shaman
- Shaman_female
- Shaman_short
- Show Errors
- Status
- Talent Detail
- Talents Scan Status
- Talents with icon
- Target
- Tauren
- Tauren_female
- Tauren_short
- Template
- Template of code
- Text
- Text to display
- Texts
- Tooltip LuaText
- Travel
- Tree
- Troll
- Troll_female
- Troll_short
- Undead
- Undead_female
- Undead_short
- Vehicle
- Warlock
- Warlock_female
- Warlock_short
- Warrior
- Warrior_female
- Warrior_short
- Zone