Need pictures #25

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to polyhydride
  • _ForgeUser5777356 created this issue Dec 11, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    Pictures of what the add-on does.

  • _ForgeUser5777356 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 11, 2012
  • werewindwolf posted a comment Jul 5, 2014

    These six pictures should be able to provide a sufficient outline of Cromulent's purpose, which is the additional textual information shown on the world map when the player mouses over a zone.

    As you can see, it does this on a continent's map for each zone on it as well as on the zones' maps for each of the surrounding zones, and it works quite well with other add-ons that rely on or modify the world map (like Mapster, RareSpawnOverlay, Foglight, GatherMate, Routes, TomTom).

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