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i can only see text info about the local instances in a zone and nothing else (no level range) ... , i have a feeling the 8.0 code you used is no longer up to par :)
also you mentioned Lib-tourist needing to be updated, there has been several updated since release (April 25'th being the latest)
hopefully you can help us ^^
LibTourist is still being updated but it looks like Cromulent has been a bit abandoned.
For WoW Classic I've made ZoneInfo Classic available which does a similar job. However, I also have a version of ZoneInfo for WoW retail. It's for personal use, mainly for testing LibTourist. If Cromulent is indeed abandoned, I might consider to revise it and see if it's good enough to publish as a replacement for Cromulent.
that would be very good news :D
and yes i already had a feeling it was left to die ....
any news regarding the ZoneInfo revise ? :)
Still no activity here?
I have done some work on the retail version of ZoneInfo updating it with some new features from the classic version, and I think it is as good as ready to be published.
Just wanted to wait a while to see if anyting would happen here. Apparently it doesn't so I'll see if I can get a version online in the next couple of days.
Thanks for the reminder :-)
A first alpha version of ZoneInfo 2 is available; please feel free to test it and report any issues. Thanks!
i just did a quick test,
seems to work without any direct errors ^^
though i'm a bit confused if it's "normal" on some aspects of the info:
in the yellow zone level brackets there is 111 before the 110-120 level range (my level i guess) but that is already mentioned on the end in white, is that not redundant and even confusing ?
speaking of the "own level" on the right might be interesting to have a toggle for that ^^
last but not least the Battle pet level is really tiny compared to the rest of the text , is that normal ?
only just noticed that if minimise the panel (closing it) on the next relog from the same toon or char swapping it is maximised again, i guess it should remember the open/close state between sessions ? :)
I have sent you a PM to continue this conversation ;-)
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