Cryolysis 3
<center>Cryolysis 3</center>
Cryolysis 3 is sphere mod for all classes that saves you action bar space by offering you buttons for many common tasks and provides for an easy to use interface for casting spells. Cryolysis provides you with circular buttons that surround an larger center sphere. The buttons vary per class, but all classes have 3 custom buttons they can add whatever spells they wish to.
Cryolysis also comes with a full configuration menu that can be accessed by right-clicking the main center sphere, or by typing /cryo3 in chat.
Module Status
Cryolysis 3 will feature support for all classes. Listed below is the status of each class module:
- Death Knight: Not started
- Druid: Not started
- Hunter: Not started
- Mage: Beta
- Paladin: Started
- Priest: Pre-Alpha
- Rogue: Not started
- Shaman: Not started
- Warlock: Not started
- Warrior: Not started
Missing Features From Cryolysis 2
These features are functions from Cryo2 that were deemed non-critical, so they are scheduled to be re-added later.
- Polymorph break warning
- Random messages (to be available as a separate module)
- Ritual of Refreshment's Mana Biscuits overriding highest rank of food available
Removed/Obsolete Features
These features have been deemed obsolete, or simply not worth the effort. They will not be re-added (though anybody capable enough is welcome to add them back themselves).
- Middle click to trade food/water. Ritual of Refreshment cast has now been moved to Middle click (was Shift-click in Cryo2).
- The ability to conjure lower level Mana Gems through the Mana Gem menu. The Mana Gem button is now just a button to conjure and use the highest rank of Conjure Mana Gem.
Reporting Bugs and Requesting Features
Please use the ticket system on WowAce to report bugs and request new features. Please answer pre-defined questions as they help us to better understand your problem. Be as clear and detailed as possible. Lastly, please vote for feature requests you like so that we can prioritize what features we add.
Invalid Tickets
The following things will get your ticket closed and marked as invalid:
- Deleting the pre-defined questions
- Using a language other than English
- Posting a defect (feature requests are okay) for a module that has not been created yet
The ability to choose which mount is used for different clicks is in the next beta release. In the future, please report feature requests and bugs via the ticket system.
The problem turns out to be that the new multi-class format is not initializing itself for mages. I was able to get it working by conjuring bread, water, and a gem, and then /console reloadui (you should see text from the mod saying it's loaded at this point). It's worked perfectly since then through several sessions.
Hope that helps, and thanks to Belazor for a great mod!
Creating water/food and a gem then reloadingUI worked for me.
Thanks Grenoble.
@cyndih325: if you need to know how long your polymorph will be stable i can tell you 'Try SheepWatch' :) Nice small addon that adds a bar on the screen every time you polymorph a target.
I would really like to see the mount be so we can choose which mount we use. There are times in Outland when it is more convenient to just go ahead and use a land mount. While this may not be often for those who have an epic flyer, it can be an issue for those that have just hit 70. Some of the stuff that was deemed "non-critical" also happen to be some of the main reasons I use the mod. It's a pain in the keister to have to fight & watch a 2nd target to keep track of how long my poly has left, then there's having to have bags open to use and even know if my mana gems etc are usuable again yet. I only hope this mod is gotten working soon because my mage is lost (& grounded) until then. Blizz just doesn't give us enough action bars for shortcutting everything a mage needs lol.
Just wanted to say, yes a few things from Cryo2 are still missing. But for now this mod rocks!! I thank you guys so much for keeping it alive. I was so lost after the patch when Cryo2 stopped working, and was so stoked when i found Cryo3. So anyway thanks again, your work is not unappreciated.
While I'm thinking about it, how possible would it be to add a functionality to the buttons much like the action bar; where I can physically drag and drop the small buttons to replace another, rather than using the move clockwise option? When trying to place the small buttons, it can often seem like I'm shuffling a rubix cube or one of those slider puzzles just to get everything right. lol
Date: 2008-10-19 08:07:09
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Cryolysis3\classes\mage\mage.lua line 528:
bad argument #4 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
(tail call): ?
[C]: format()
Cryolysis3\classes\mage\mage.lua:528: CreateButtons()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
...\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:365: EnableAddon()
[C]: LoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:991: UIParentLoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:241: CombatLog_LoadUI()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:389: UIParent_OnEvent()
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1:
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1
Swatter, v5.1.3655 (SnaggleTooth)
Atlas, v1.12.2
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.12.2
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.12.2
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.12.2
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.12.2
AtlasLoot, v5.01.01
AtlasLootFu, v1.2
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
Configator, v5.1.DEV.130
Cryolysis3, vv3.0-beta2
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
EnhTooltip, v5.1.3655 (SnaggleTooth)
flagRSP2, v1.7.1
FuBar, v
FuBarAtlasFu, v
FuBarMoneyFu, vv1.2
Gatherer, v3.1.5
ItemRack, v
Omen, v3.0
RecipeBook, v
Recount, v
sct, v6.2
sctd, v3.1
Stubby, v5.1.3655 (SnaggleTooth)
I hope you add the shaman version next when the mage runs 100%. I'm not playing one but my girlfriend and it doesn't look like Totemus is still beeing worked on.
If you realy plan to add all classes with the time you should consider making it modular (like Big Wigs that only loads the part for the instance that you are in). It could become to big for people with old crappy computers ;-)
Waah. I can't wait to have this functions back in Cryolysis 3 :D Please tell me that they will be avaiable in beta4 or beta5 ? Would be aweseome :D
Please report bugs and feature requests via the ticket system on WoWAce. Thanks.
Cryo3 is a complete recode from scratch. As of right now, only the mage class is being worked on. We're currently working towards getting all of the functionality back to where it was in Cryo2. At the same time, we're also working on fixing bugs. Within the next day or two, we should have a new beta up. Some things to look forward to:
-2 Options for the mount button. The new button behavior (always use flying mount when able) and the old behavior (like Cryo2, where you select the mount for left and right clicking). -Bug fixes...we'll close tickets once things are fixed. The biggest bug fix atm is the inability to open menus while in-combat. The armor button bug has been fixed, and we're working on the ice barrier problem.