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UploadedJul 10, 2014
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.4.8
James D. Callahan III <jcallahan@curse.com>
2014-07-10 20:18:00 -0500
James D. Callahan III:
- Minor cleanups.
- Code reformatting.
- Killed semicolons and unnecessary parentheses - round 2.
- Killed semicolons and unnecessary parentheses.
- ToC updates.
- Added zhCN localization.
- First pass at MoP changes.
- Bumped version numbers to
- Combined "Embeds.xml" and "Locales.xml" files into TOCs.
- Added enCN, enTW, and ptPT to X-CompatibleLocales TOC metadata.
- Added ptBR to X-CompatibleLocales TOC metadata.
- Updated TOC numbers to 40300.
- Replaced all use of "me" namespace variable with "NS".
- Reverted change to version number. Change was meant for _Corpse!
- Bumped version to
- Bumped version numbers to
- Transcoded a few ANSI source files to UTF-8 w/o BOM, and normalized line endings to UNIX style. Fixes Issue 48.
- Updated TOC numbers to 40200.
- Updated TOC numbers to 40100 and bumped all version numbers.
- Removed calls to the SetDesaturation wrapper, since Texture:SetDesaturated itself now handles lack of shader support.
- Merged 40000 branch for 4.0.1 pre-release Cataclysm patch.
- Updated the way localizations are credited.
- Added duplicate enUS slash command localizations to be overridden in other locales.
- Updated localization files to make updates with CurseForge's localization tools easier. Replaced all string concatenation with string literals, and replaced escaped UTF-8 sequences with actual Unicode characters.
- Removed vestigial boilerplate do-end blocks and comments and newlines at ends of files.
- The cursor trail now hides during FMV cinematics such as the Wrathgate event
- All simultaneous SetWidth/SetHeight calls replaced with SetSize. GetSize also replaces GetWidth/GetHeight.
- Controls now use the default UI's GameTooltip_Hide function instead of implementing their own.
- Merged 30300 feature branch into trunk.
- Added X-Curse-Project-ID and X-Credits fields to TOC.
- Added TOC field read by MMOUI Minion.
- Merged 30200 branch into trunk.
- Removed all indicator presets, as they now loop continuously, and also removed the stun swirl preset since it seems to have been removed.
- Bumped TOC number for 3.1.
- Localization table no longer errors with nil keys.
- Moved localizations to Locales folder.
- Removed optional dependency on _Dev.
- Updated dropdown code to avoid using "this".
- Bumped version up to
- (Issue #2) Added koKR localization by freshworks.
- ADDON_LOADED event now checks addon name case insensitively.
- Removed comment about how Screenshot() blocks calls; it doesn't.
- Moved tooltips in the options window so they no longer overlap the preview.
- Added new presets from WotLK with a few small changes:
* Unknown presets now get replaced with a default preset on load rather than cause an error.
* Added an explosion effect to the UI Melter set.
* Added a "Breath" preset category for particle streams.
- Improved validation on options window's custom path edit box. Notably, pipe characters are no longer allowed to prevent corruption of saved data strings.
- Merged 3.0.1 WotLK branch into trunk from r135.
- Added preliminary addon code.