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I only just installed addon first time, and when clicking arrow to open list of sets, i get:
Message: Interface\AddOns\_Cursor\Config.lua:124: Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])Time: 09/08/17 12:43:35Count: 3Stack: Interface\AddOns\_Cursor\Config.lua:124: Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])[C]: ?[C]: in function `PlaySound'Interface\AddOns\_Cursor\Config.lua:124: in function <Interface\AddOns\_Cursor\Config.lua:119>
Addon version
And i guess the trail nor particles work anyway. Preview or game cursor shows nothing when i check the model things are enabled.
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