Customize the PlayerPowerBarAlt display that is used during the Atramedes encounter as a sound meter, or the Cho'gall corrupted bar meter, or for that matter anything that'd use the default Blizzard alternative power bar.
The addon replaces the Blizzard default bar with a more customizable bar.
Customization options:
- Bar: Move/Scale/Width/High/Texture/Colour
- Border: Size/Texture/Colour
- Text: Font/Outline/Percentage/Size/Position/Colour
- Flash: Max Power/Given Percentage
/cppba to bring up the configuration menu where you can use the Show/Hide button to configure the bar
Shift + Left click on a the bar will print out your current power status in the raid chat. (Only works if you actually have more than 0 power and you are in raid)
You can help out with localization: here
In short to answer your question: Yes! :P
What I can imagine is that you don't become immune to heals at 100%, but when you'd get pushed over 100%. In the default blizzard frame code you can see they are doing some flashing once you'd get over the maximum power. I just think that the bar flashing when its too late already is not helping anyone, so I left that out of this addon.