Cutup is a collection of small modules that I wanted as a Rogue. Anything you don't use can be disabled. /cutup to configure.
Bleeder is a bar that displays the current duration of your Rupture. It will also show you how long your Rupture would last based on your current combo points.
Like Bleeder, but for Slice and Dice. Shows the current duration of Slice and Dice, and the duration of your next Slice and Dice based on your current combo points. Accounts for Improved Slice and Dice, Glyph of Slice and Dice and Cut to the Chase.
Like Julienne, but for Envenom buff. Shows the current duration of Envenom, and the duration of your next Envenom based on your current combo points.
Automatically loots items after Pick Pocket is cast.
Blocks repeated error messages that are often the result of spamming attack buttons.
local improvedRank, improved = nil, { 0, 0.25, 0.50 } -- Improved Slice and Dice modifiers