(refs/remotes/origin/master) (7ac3414) Archarodim on 2009-11-15 21:57:21 +0100:
Fix for Chamans: 'Cleans Spirit' was not replacing 'Cure Toxins', the two spells were both active and confusing for the user.
When Decursive reconfigures itself (due to talent swap for exemple) it triiggers a refresh of the options UI.
** (158ba9b) Archarodim on 2009-11-12 02:12:47 +0100:
Added the current version of Decursive to the 'General' option tab.
** (33936dc) Archarodim on 2009-11-12 02:12:02 +0100:
Changed the message added to debug stack "Locals:" section when debuglocals() returns nothing to a better one. The message will not appear for current PTR or futur WoW versions (they fixed it apparently)