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  • Uploaded
    Aug 5, 2024
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    546.01 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 11.0.2
  • 11.0.0


Decursive -Ace3-

2.7.20-11-ge4dd164 (2024-08-05)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • Update WhatsNew.md
  • Stick with tagged version of Ace3 in minimum lib requirements
  • Fix Evoker's spells priorities
  • Update TOC and mark WoW 30403 as incompatible with this version of Decursive.toc
    30403 is the current version of WoW Classic in China.
  • Update minimum libraries' version requirement
  • Fix unit filtering on MUFs spell assignment
    Spells with unit filtering settings were not usable since wow 11 compatibility was implemented
  • Fix GetItemInfo compat error in wow 11
  • Fix cooldown display in wow 11
  • Fix WoW 11 compatibility with GetSpellBookItemInfo changes
    (GetSpellBookItemInfo only accepts a spellBookSlot id and no longer accept spell identifiers)
  • Fix #25: add Remove greater curse for mages in SoD (needs testing)
  • Fix #26 (Minor typo in settings panel)