Decursive 2.0.3 RAR


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    Sep 29, 2007
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 2.2.0


Decursive 2.0.3 by Archarodim
Changes from Decursive 2.0 Final to Decursive 2.0.3
    • New features
- Added a message and a sound when the Unstable Affliction is detected on a MUF
 you're about to click (works only if the MUFs' tool-tips are active.
- Added support for Druid's Cyclone Spell on friendly mind-controlled players.
 Because of this change affliction cure priorities may have changed, go into
 Options -> 'Curing Options' and change the priorities as you like.
- New PayPal donation button.
    • Fixed bugs
- If some afflictions were filtered out while in combat, the MUFs of the afflicted
 units were not updated once the battle was over.
- If you changed the cure priorities while some afflictions were already
 displayed in the MUFs, their color was not updated.
- Fix a Lua error that occurred wen the user had the live-list AND the MUFs
 disabled at UI initialization and was changing its 'Focus' (/focus
- Pet appearance/disappearance events were not triggering an update of the
 number of MUFs displayed.
- Fix a Lua error when mouse-overing the MUFs with the class borders disabled.
    • Small changes
- Pet management enhancement:
   - Pet class and name detection should be much more accurate.
   - Pet names in MUFs tool-tips are preceded by "Pet" (depends on the
   - Fix a possible issue with pet management (when several pets are 'unknown
- Small optimization when using cleansing spells (blacklist handling). - Added 'lesser invisibility' to stealth detection. - The sound played when a debuff is found is now in a profile setting
- Decurive's icon will become gray if no curing spell is available or if all
 types of afflictions are unchecked in "curing options".
- zhCN and koKR translation update.