error messages with decursive #121

  • Defect
  • Invalid
Assigned to archarodim
  • nymphinaki created this issue Nov 2, 2012

    What is your character class? resto shaman

    Were you in Solo, Party or Raid?  solo ..but it has happened in raid / party as well

    What is your localization language? (en, de, fr, etc...) EN

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. nothing..they will just pop up

    What is the expected behavior? What do you see instead?  there's a full screen of errors that has been popping up

    What version of the product are you using (give the version string)?

    Do you have an error log of what happened? yes .. i have a print scrn which i copied after i made this ticket ..sigh

    Please provide any additional information below.


  • nymphinaki added the tags New Defect Nov 2, 2012
  • nymphinaki added an attachment WoWScrnShot_110212_115229.jpg Nov 2, 2012


    <p>screenshot of error mssgs (10 errors)</p>

  • nymphinaki edited description Nov 2, 2012
  • archarodim posted a comment Nov 2, 2012

    Have you tried to follow the instruction given in the screenshot you attached?

  • nymphinaki posted a comment Nov 2, 2012

    Yes I have .. I updated all addons...I'm thinking perhaps there is a controversy with gathermate2 and decursive?

  • archarodim posted a comment Nov 2, 2012

    Install BugSack and Buggrabber to see what is preventing Decursive from loading its files. You may also want to try to completely remove Decursive's folder and reinstall it from scratch (make sure WoW is turned off while you do that or it won't work until you exit and relaunch the game).

  • archarodim posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    I don't know if you'll read this but you may want to try with the latest beta release of Decurisve where the error message has been improved a little bit. From what I gather it's caused by another add-on which is breaking AceAddon-3.0 functionalities and therefore preventing Decursive to initialize properly...

    A listing of your installed add-on would be interesting. The culprit add-on's name must be located before Decursive in the alphabet since it must have been loaded before.

    As for Gathermate2, I'm also using it alongside Decursive without any problem...

    Edited Nov 8, 2012
  • nymphinaki posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    I didn't notice any issues until I installed Gathermate2...i removed gathermate2 and now i have errors less often..but now that i reinstalled decursive, it also added swatter? This swatter addon brings up errors sometimes far not in raid, but still I didn't want extra stuff with decursive. Unless you added it? My pc tanked not too long ago (2 weeks) and I bought a new one, reinstalled w.o.w. and all addons clean (fresh installs). The addons I use are: Gatherer, Omen, DBM, Healers have to die, Healbot, Decursive, Recount, Quartz, NPCscan, GTFO, Gladiatorlossa, Spellstealer, Tom tom, and Clique. Hope this helps.

  • archarodim posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    Decursive doesn't include Swatter but BugGrabber. Make sure you don't use the -nolib version of Decursive else BugGrabber is loaded as a separate add-on and will then report errors happening in your UI. (ie: don't tick the 'install libraries separately' in the right click menu of Decursive in Curse's client and remove BugGrabber)

    If Decurcive is working, could you type the command /DCRDIAG in your chat and paste the content of the window it opens here?

    Edited Nov 8, 2012
  • nymphinaki posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    Please report the content of this window to [email protected] (Use CTRL+A to select all and then CTRL+C to put the text in your clip-board) Also tell in your report if you noticed any strange behavior of Decursive. SHAMAN(90) CT: 20361.3080 D: 11/08/12 21:55:24 enUS NBG BDTHFAd: nil nDrE: 0 Embeded: true W: 1 LA: 24 TA: 0 (5.0.5, 16135, Oct 8 2012, 50001)


    20359.3140 (h15_w13-142fps-Vale of Eternal Blossoms): Now checking the event management library... -|count: 1


    20361.3080 (h15_w13-142fps-Vale of Eternal Blossoms): Event library functionning properly, Everything seems to be OK -|count: 1


    20361.3080 (h15_w13-142fps-Vale of Eternal Blossoms): true, Spells assignments:

    Prio 1: - CURSE - MAGIC - (*%s1) -> Purify Spirit

    Prio 2: - MAGICCHARMED - (*%s2) -> Purge

    Prio 3: - CHARM - (ctrl-%s1) -> Hex -|count: 1

    Loaded Addons:

    _NPCScan ( Clique (v50001-1.0.1) DBM-Interrupts (3.3.2) Decursive ( Gatherer (4.0.6) GladiatorlosSA (v2.0) GTFO (4.16.3) HealBot ( Healers-Have-To-Die (2.0.2) Omen (3.1.7) OmniCC (5.0.4) Quartz (3.1.1) Recount (N/A) SlideBar (4.0.6 (<%codename%>)) SpellStealer (1.79) !Swatter (4.0.6 (<%codename%>)) TomTom (v50001-1.3.1) DBM-Core (N/A) DBM-GUI (N/A) DBM-RaidLeadTools (N/A) DBM-SpellTimers (N/A) DBM-HeartofFear (N/A) DBM-MogushanVaults (N/A) DBM-Party-MoP (N/A)

    No I dont have buggrabber ... i dl'd decursive through curse client and swatter definitely came with it .. cause i never had swatter prior .. no clue even what it is. Is this the report you wanted me to load?

  • nymphinaki posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    This just posted on my screen randomly:

    Please report the content of this window to [email protected] (Use CTRL+A to select all and then CTRL+C to put the text in your clip-board) Also tell in your report if you noticed any strange behavior of Decursive. SHAMAN(90) CT: 20361.3080 D: 11/08/12 21:55:24 enUS NBG BDTHFAd: nil nDrE: 0 Embeded: true W: 1 LA: 24 TA: 0 (5.0.5, 16135, Oct 8 2012, 50001)


    20359.3140 (h15_w13-142fps-Vale of Eternal Blossoms): Now checking the event management library... -|count: 1


    20361.3080 (h15_w13-142fps-Vale of Eternal Blossoms): Event library functionning properly, Everything seems to be OK -|count: 1


    20361.3080 (h15_w13-142fps-Vale of Eternal Blossoms): true, Spells assignments:

    Prio 1: - CURSE - MAGIC - (*%s1) -> Purify Spirit

    Prio 2: - MAGICCHARMED - (*%s2) -> Purge

    Prio 3: - CHARM - (ctrl-%s1) -> Hex -|count: 1

    Loaded Addons:

    _NPCScan ( Clique (v50001-1.0.1) DBM-Interrupts (3.3.2) Decursive ( Gatherer (4.0.6) GladiatorlosSA (v2.0) GTFO (4.16.3) HealBot ( Healers-Have-To-Die (2.0.2) Omen (3.1.7) OmniCC (5.0.4) Quartz (3.1.1) Recount (N/A) SlideBar (4.0.6 (<%codename%>)) SpellStealer (1.79) !Swatter (4.0.6 (<%codename%>)) TomTom (v50001-1.3.1) DBM-Core (N/A) DBM-GUI (N/A) DBM-RaidLeadTools (N/A) DBM-SpellTimers (N/A) DBM-HeartofFear (N/A) DBM-MogushanVaults (N/A) DBM-Party-MoP (N/A)

  • archarodim posted a comment Nov 10, 2012

    You can uninstall Swatter if you want (Swatter is the debug handler of the Auctioneer suite, it has nothing to do with Decursive) but having a reliable way to detect add-ons' Lua errors is useful though (so you can report the problems to the respective authors).

    Are you still experiencing the error where Decursive fails to load some of its files? (like in the screenshot you attached to this ticket) If you do what fixes it when it happens?

    Edited Nov 10, 2012
  • nymphinaki posted a comment Nov 10, 2012

    I dont even use Auctioneer odd that i would have Swatter, no? So far since I've deleted gathermate2 from my game, I haven't experienced any issues at all..except that last post where errors came up from Swatter, but I haven't been on as often as I would have liked this week to test it all out.

  • archarodim posted a comment Nov 10, 2012

    Actually Swatter is bundled with all add-ons, in your case it's there because you're using Gatherer. Anyway that's strange that Gathermate2 was causing issues because I'm using it alongside Decursive without problem.

  • nymphinaki posted a comment Nov 11, 2012

    Yes another friend of mine is using gathermate2 + decursive as well .. I played today and so far so good. I will let you know Monday and beyond with raids etc. Hopefully that was the cause.

  • archarodim removed a tag New Nov 12, 2012
  • archarodim added a tag Waiting Nov 12, 2012
  • archarodim removed a tag Waiting Apr 11, 2013
  • archarodim added a tag Invalid Apr 11, 2013
  • archarodim closed issue Apr 11, 2013

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