[FR] Customizable colors for magical CC and other debuffs (custom user-made profiles of debuffs groups to prioritize) #36

  • Feature Request
  • Priority High❗
Assigned to archarodim
  • _ForgeUser248904 created this issue Dec 3, 2009

    I'm a priest and I would like to set a different color to Magical CC (sheep etc...) and other Magical Debuff
    The aim is to be able to dispell both but with a priority to dispell CC

  • _ForgeUser248904 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 3, 2009
  • archarodim posted a comment Dec 3, 2009

    Since the spell to dispel CC and other magical debuff is the same, it's not possible to prioritize dispel in this condition. A special status could be added to the MUF but it's not possible right now.

  • _ForgeUser4389999 posted a comment May 4, 2010

    Wouldn't it be possible to create some sort of customizable debuff profile groups that would make the MUF display a colored square on a particular player (simular to the green hex square)?

    For example: If player has magical debuff: fear or entangling roots or frost nova or sheep then display a purple (customizable) square in the center of the MUF for that particular player.

    Or even more general: If user has magical debuff type of: [Rooted Effect] or [Fear effect] or [Polymorph effect] then display a purple (customizable) square in the center of the MUF for that particular player.

    This way you could let the decursive users make their own profiles of different type of debuffs they would like to priorotize/highlight for easy identification. This feature would be extremly useful in PVP imho.

    Thanks in advance

    Edited May 4, 2010
  • archarodim removed a tag New Apr 12, 2011
  • archarodim added a tag Accepted Apr 12, 2011
  • archarodim edited title Sep 2, 2023
  • archarodim removed a tag Accepted Sep 2, 2023
  • archarodim added the tags Feature Request High Priority Sep 2, 2023
  • archarodim added a tag Priority High❗ Sep 2, 2023

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