Decursive for World of Warcraft
Decursive is a cleansing mod intended to make affliction removal easy, effective and fun for all the classes having this ability.
NOTE: Type /DECURSIVE to open the configuration panel. Decursive's options are not directly available in the "Interface" panel due to ongoing tainting issues Blizzard is not willing to fix.
Decursive usage - Micro Unit Frames documentation - Decursive Macro documentation - Frequently Asked Questions - commands
Decursive key benefits
Ease of use:
- Decursive supports all classes with cleansing abilities and configures itself automatically, it works straight out of the box, no configuration is required.
- Intuitive interface and detailed options, Decursive is suitable for simple usage and power users.
Control what and who you want to dispel:
- Easily Filter out afflictions you don't want to cure or that are useless to remove by class (some are pre-configured). (Such as afflictions affecting mana on non-mana classes, etc...).
- Choose between what you can dispel (magic, curses, poison, diseases, charms) choosing their priority. (this allows you to share the cleansing work with other players effectively)
- Prioritize or exclude members. (keep players, classes, or raid groups in a specific order to cleanse them in order of importance)
Manage Mind controlled units:
- If you are a Mage, a Druid or a Shaman you can Polymorph/Cyclone/Hex mind-controlled players.
- In any case Decursive will allow you to target mind controlled units easily.
- Decursive supports magic charming affect removal for Shamans (Purge and Hex), Priests (Dispel Magic), Hunters (Tranquilizing Shot), and Warlocks (Fellhunter and Doomguards spells).
Don't waste time:
- Your cleansing spell Cooldown is displayed to maximize your dispel speed.
- An automatic blacklist will prevent you from loosing time on players who can't be dispelled. (player 'out of line of sight' for example).
- Decursive choose a logical cleansing order depending on your current position in the raid. (preventing dispel concurrence between players and thus 'nothing to dispel' messages)
React faster:
- Visual and/or auditive alerts when someone needs your attention and can be dispelled.
- Special sound alert when Unstable Affliction is detected and you're about to dispel it.
- Visual and auditive alert when your dispel attempts are resisted or fail.
Integration in any interface:
- Decursive is designed to save screen real estate and to be forgotten when not needed.
- Many options allow you to customize Decursive appearance and interface behavior.
- All Decursive alert colors can be modified making it suitable for color-blind people.
Highly optimized and effective coding:
- Decursive was developed with memory and CPU usage in mind, installing Decursive won't affect your frame rate even in the worst battle conditions.
- Bug free: bugs are not tolerated in Decursive.
In brief, what you get with Decursive is effectiveness, a player using Decursive will always dispel faster than other players.
See also:
- Decursive usage
- Micro Unit Frames documentation
- Decursive Macro documentation
- Frequently Asked Questions try this before asking any question
- commands
Interesting articles and videos about Decursive's usage:
- 2010-11-20 (Updated in 2011-06-11)
A complete Decursive guide by @darista:
- 2009-07-15
- 2010-02-20:
Video: WarcraftScience's Decursive tutorial
For other videos about Decursive, see the YouTube playlist.
Decursive is dedicated to the memory of Bertrand Sense known as Glorfindal on the European server Les Sentinelles. He was the raid leader of my guild (Horizon)
For suggestions, feature request, or bug report, use the ticket system provided by
Development versions of Decursive are available at this URI: ; note that development versions may be unstable. Unless you want to help testing unstable code you should download the versions considered stable below.
Do not forget to rate Decursive!
Bitcoin donation address: 1LEHZuPsiHN4hM3H3Gru5xKmDgCj867eFX
Will there be support for Warlock's Felhunter's Devour Magic?
Its a DoT, which when is dispelled does DMG to the target.
Much like the wyvern sting from Princess huhuran.
Unstable Affliction Rank 1 Requires Level 50 30 yd range 270 Mana Instant cast Shadow energy slowly destroys the target, causing 660 damage over 18 sec. In addition, if the Unstable Affliction is dispelled it will cause 990 damage to the dispeller.
What does "Unstable Affliction" does actually?
Seeing the new talents and spells, and knowing alot of my guild members use this decursive i thought about bringing an ideea up : implementing an option to enable/disable decursing Unstable Affliction from warloks. one example even if it's a longshot might be that in pve some new bosses would prolly have that ability and even if it damages the paladin you might want to decurse it, but in pvp, in bgs paladins might not want to remove that. just my 2 cents to keep in mind.
Comment deleted (I figured out my problem)
Do you mean that you were completely unable to decurse poison on someone (once the curses were dispelled)? Or that while you were dispelling curses on someone there was noone to decurse poison?
Normally Decursive sould decurse everything that you checked in the option menu. These priority settings only apply on a per person basis. so once Decursive has cleared your first priority on someone, it should clear the next priority, and so on...
Before 1.9.8, there was a default priority, which was poison then curses.
@Enigma_TL and Eidheann:
Which version of Decursive were you using? If it was Decursive
the mindflays on cthun and cthun trash are cleansable with blessing of freedom, would it be possible for the mod to check for that debuff and cast freedom if its on cooldown?
In reply to _ForgeUser74533:
In reply to _ForgeUser74533:
I'm having the exact same issue Enigma_TL described.
On Thursday, I had no problems with decursive in AQ40. On Saturday, I was in AV, and also had no issue. Saturday evening, however, while in BWL, I noticed that I was not actually able to decurse raidmembers unless I had manually selected the afflicted party. The names and ailments were popping up on my decursive list, but anytime I'd hit the decursive key with a) someone not afflicted targetted or b) no one targetted, it would simply spam the decursing XXX notification. I also noticed that clicking the name in the decurse list would give the same spam, without actually ever doing anything.
It was not a range issue, the person topping the list could be right beside me.
I'm going to try installing, but I am kinda nervous it's going to keep happening.
@Nayfal Can't speak for archa here, but generally, that is a problem more of a tactical issue than decursive. Try to have mages help with curses, and paladins/shamans with poisons, alternatively, have some druids switch around the order, so it's first poison then curses.
As for randomness, just having 'decurse randomly' active in the options should remedy that, unless of course, you have changed your settings to not decurse poisons, and only curses. As archa said, in that case with the new system it will just look for curses on a target, and only if there are any poisons left, remove those from the SAME person.
I am using both CT Raid and Decursive and I have foudn aproblem on large raids. In duels and 5 mans it decurses fine but on 40man its like it tries to start teh sepll and then aborts it. I end up only decursing like 4 or 5 people. It isn't showing an error but is saying Decursing XXXX.
Perhaps I just don´t see where to set this option...
The spiders in Naxxramas spam Curse and Poison and my Druid ist just only decursing Curse because it is set to 1 and poison is 2 in the options menu. So the spiders spam both and no one in my raid is decursing poison with this new decursive version.
Is it possible to decurse random, curse and poison mixed? Is it possible to avoid this priority setting?
it's not easy because Decursive is not designed to use spell that works only on yourself...
Is it possible to have the Dwarf racial ability included on the list of spells to use by decursive to cure debuffs? I understand that this might be useful for only one race of 8 and then again as a self cure, but it would save my dwarf priest a bit of mana now and then. I suppose if something worked for Stoneform then the Forsaken racial ability might be able to be worked into decursive as well. Just a thought.
I admit that I haven't taken the time to read through all of the forums so if this has already been discussed I apologize in advance for bringing it up again.
Thanks for considering it.
what about support for pally's? Mywifey is always taking poisen debuffs off me... is available:
Changes from Decursive to
- Now Decursive disables and re-enables the "self auto cast" option automatically, it's no longer a problem. - Last version I hope!!!
I found a better implementation of Topiland's idea... it's comming out very soon, stay tuned.
well I don't know if changing an option like this is performance wise...