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UploadedAug 19, 2009
Size753.29 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
- Use pfl.Misc instead of pfl for toggles in Miscellaneous
- Fixed Jaraxxus' Legion Flame timer. Adjusted initial Legion Flame cooldown
- Fixed phase 1 timer in Northrend Beasts
- Unregister download prefix in LoadCompleted
- Increase distributor download timeout to 15 seconds
- Reference handlers.canceltimer in Invoker:RemoveAllTimers()
- Fixed class coloring of bar text when the name contained accented characters
- Fix calling canceltimer
- Fixed typo in expect handler for invoker
- Reorganized alert options to allow more room
- Added say announces for Vezax's Shadow Crash, XT's Searing Light and Gravity Bomb, Jaraxxus' Legion Flame, and KT's Detonate
- Refactored invoker so it's easier to add new command line handlers
- Made boss emote blocking check that it originated from a boss
- Added option to block raid warnings from other boss mods and raid boss emotes
- Move pane skinning into OnEnable so that shared media bar textures are loaded into LSM30 before it skins