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UploadedAug 22, 2009
Size757.32 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
- Faction Champions: Quash counterspell when Mage dies. Quash spell lock when Felhunter dies
Northrend Beasts: Added arrow for bile and toxin. If you get bile, it will direct you to the last person with toxin, and vice versa
- Faction Champions: Completed alerts. Added pet npcids
- Faction Champions: Completed npcid list
- Added pane conditional 'only in party'
- Renamed OnlyInInstance to OnlyInRaidInstance
Added pane conditional "Show only in party instances"
- Removed Roster.index_to_unit
Added Roster.unit_to_unittarget and replaced all index_to_unit to unit_to_unittarget
Added support for party groups
- Fixed sort function for sortedtracing. Stacks in the relative order (percentage text) health%, DEAD, neutral color
- Added feature to encounter data that lets it decide that tracing should sort lowest to highest health (sortedtracing). Needs more testing.
Added validation for sortedtracing
Added start triggering of encounters when entering combat
Faction Champions: Set npc ids based on faction
- Faction Champions: Added npcids. Encounter doesn't do anything (yet)
- Hodir: Added say announce for Storm Cloud on self
- Add chat log blocks
- Use pfl.Misc instead of pfl for toggles in Miscellaneous
- Fixed Jaraxxus' Legion Flame timer. Adjusted initial Legion Flame cooldown
- Fixed phase 1 timer in Northrend Beasts
- Unregister download prefix in LoadCompleted
- Increase distributor download timeout to 15 seconds
- Reference handlers.canceltimer in Invoker:RemoveAllTimers()
- Fixed class coloring of bar text when the name contained accented characters
- Fix calling canceltimer
- Fixed typo in expect handler for invoker
- Reorganized alert options to allow more room
- Added say announces for Vezax's Shadow Crash, XT's Searing Light and Gravity Bomb, Jaraxxus' Legion Flame, and KT's Detonate
- Refactored invoker so it's easier to add new command line handlers
- Made boss emote blocking check that it originated from a boss
- Added option to block raid warnings from other boss mods and raid boss emotes
- Move pane skinning into OnEnable so that shared media bar textures are loaded into LSM30 before it skins