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  • Uploaded
    Sep 28, 2009
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    651.74 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.2.0


tag v378-beta
kollektiv <kollektiv@pc>
2009-09-28 21:22:07 -0400

Tagging as v378-beta


    - Anub: Removed Penetrating Cold warning and replaced it with Penetrating Cold duration. It only appears if leeching swarm is active
    - Anub: Remove submerge cast. It's too spammy
    - Anub: Only fire shadow strike cooldown on 25 hard
    - Jaraxxus: Added Incinerate Flesh raid icon
    - Incremented distributor version
    Anub: Added shadow strike cooldown (hard mode). It's not completely accurate yet
    Allow scheduletimer to use a token for time
    - Thorim: Update German yell trigger
    - Anub: Use yell trigger to start encounter
    - Fixed validation for raidicons
    Cleaned up some code in Options
    - Added options for a universal way to change what ALERTS1...10 are. Upgrade code is in place to convert "DXE ALERT<num>" into "ALERT<num>".
    - Onyxia: Added Bellowing Roar and Flame Breath
    - Onyxia: Added skeleton files
    - Koralon: Added Meteor Fists/Burning Breath casts, cooldowns, and durations
    - Yogg: Fixed Crusher Tentacle spawn times after Induce Madness ends
    - Koralon: Added Flaming Cinder on self
    - Use tag: latest on all possible libs in .pkgmeta