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UploadedDec 5, 2009
Size770.95 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
- Change AGSMW back to svn url
- Added more options to warning messages for controlling what kinds of messages appear
Alert duration messages will fire a before message regardless of how close it is to the popup message
- Moved Warning Message options to its own tab in Alerts
- Moved ColorText up in the file to fix scope issues
- Added option to change before threshold and text coloring of warning messages
- Added option to add in custom sound labels in Options -> Sounds. Sound files still have to be added in through SharedMedia.
- Updated .pkgmeta to reflect AGSMW change to git
- Anub: Renamed slashothers to slashwarn
Jaraxxus: Renamed fleshothers to fleshwarn
Always fire a before message for dropdown bars
- Added warning messages for dropdown and centerpopup type alerts. Alert keys suffixed with dur (duration), warn (warning), self (affects yourself), or cd (cooldown) will fire warning messages. The format is "<text> - <timeleft>". dur, warn, and self will display a message when they appear. dur and cd will display a message before they end -- the default before threshold is 5 seconds; additionally, if the total time is less than before threshold + 5 seconds, a message will not be displayed before it ends to prevent spam. So, a timer bar with a total time of 9 seconds will display a message when it appears, but not 5 seconds before it ends.
- Anub,Grobbulus,Archavon,Flame Leviathian,Hodir,Iron Council, XT: Pluralise keys that end with other
- Sartharion: Renamed alert keys with arrives at the end
- Noth: Renamed teleport alert keys
- Mimiron,Northrend Beasts: Renamed phase transition alert keys
- Loatheb: Renamed all alert keys
- Anub naxx: Renamed locust swarm alert keys
- KT: Renamed ktarrives to ktarrivescd
- Hodir,Ignis,Mimiron,Thorim,XT: Added cd or warn to hard mode alert keys
- Gothik: Rename gothikcomesdown to gothikcomesdowncd
- Iron Council: Renamed fusionpunchcast to fusionpunchwarn
- Thorim: Renamed frostnovacast to frostnovawarn
- Mimiron: Renamed frostbombexplodes to frostbombexplodeswarn
- Auriaya: Renamed feraldefenderspawn to feraldefendercd for consistency
- Malygos: Renamed powerspark and deepbreath for consistency
- Yogg: Renamed deafeningcast to deafeningwarn for consistency
- Heigan: Added cd to the end of each alert key for consistency
- Yogg: Renamed crushertentaclespawn to crushertentaclewarn for consistency
- Northrend Beasts: Renamed crashcast to crashwarn for consistency
- Valkyrs: Added Twin's Pact cast
- Added an option to disable icons on warning messages
- Added defeat command
- Increased distributor version
Added invoke command
Added spellid2 to encounter data--looks at select(10,...), the second spellid usually in SPELL_INTERRUPT
Faction Champions: Optimized Hellfire interrupt detection