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UploadedFeb 18, 2010
Size818.54 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
- Sindragosa: Add Frost Bomb Hit timer. It's an estimation because the distance of
the frost bomb changes
- Sindragosa: Use tracing to start encounter. It will never fail to start.
Using the yell chat trigger makes the initial timers totally inaccurate because
she takes a varying amount of time to land every pull
- Sindragosa: Change phrase partial for engage trigger
- Marrowgar: Added Boned Achievement timer
- Sapphiron: Add Icebolt say announce and raid icon marking
- Grobbulus: Add Mutating Injection raid icon marking
- Northrend Beasts: Add submerge cooldown timer
- Add Toravon to .toc
- Toravon: Add encounter
- Range checking at 18 yds will default to 11 yds if the character does not have First Aid
- Blood Princes: Fix Empowered Vortex Cooldown time and text
- Blood Princes: Added Shadow Prison on self timer