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UploadedApr 10, 2010
Size965.24 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.3
- Sindragosa (39): Fix a string that wasn't localized properly.
- Lich King (61): Cleanup Raging Spirit cooldown time setting
- Invoker: Add inlined expect for alert, arrow, raidicon, and announce. If the
expect fails, it doesn't break execution of the command list
ex. "alert",{"var",expect = {"<phase>","==","2"}}
Invoker: Add srcself, srcother, dstself, and dstother features to arrow,
raidicon, and announce (same as alert).
ex. "arrow",{dstself = "var"}
- Validator: Fix "line number" output when a command line errors
- Invoker: Fix typo event_attr_handles -> reg_attr_handles
- Invoker: Moved alert throttle check to the top
- Lich King (60): Refactor to use new practices. WARNING: Completely untested
- Invoker: Add feature to alert command that allows "alert",{srcself = <alert> or
srcother = <alert> or dstself = <alert> or dstother = <alert>
- Lich King (60): Add srcnpcid for Summon Val'kyr so it isn't triggered by
- Validator: Fix typo in batchquash
- Invoker: Allow table format for batchalert, schedulealert, and repeatalert
- Invoker: Inline handler.expect's process call
- Invoker: Replace all /\w+Info\b/ with defn
- Invoker: Allow 'expect' to be a key in alert definitions
- Invoker: Fix typo in srcisnptype and dstisnpctype
- Add 'behavior' key to alert definitions. Setting it to "singleton" will only
allow one to exist. "overwrite" will quash it before firing.
- Invoker: Add comments for missing commands at the top
- Invoker: Add batchalert, batchquash, and quashall commands
- Add schedulealert, repeatalert, and cancelalert commands
- Invoker: Add settimeleft {"<alert>",time} command
- Invoker: Add srcisplayertype, srcisnpctype, srcisplayerunit, dstisplayertype,
dstisnpctype, and dstisplayerunit as filter options
- Invoker: Add npcname filter for regular events
- Validator: Add extra array validator to cleanup code
- Invoker: Add 'or "nil"' to each tuple set
- Invoker: Add throttle feature for event definitions
- Invoker: Add msg and spellname for event definitions
- Putricide (39): Use spellids for Gaseous Bloat
- Invoker: Add series processing for alert.time and alert.text
- Validator: Add missing validations for alert.text and alert.time
- Invoker: Add support alert keys time10n, time10h, time25n, time25h, time[2-9],
and text[2-9]
- Validator: Check that a fired alert with a specified time/text exists
- Validator: Cleanup some global calls to _G.type
- Validator: Add validation for specifying time and text indexes in the alert command
- Validator: Add validation for alert keys time10n, time10h, time25n, time25h,
time[2-9] and text[2-9]
- Validator: Make sure series have at least one value in the array portion
- Validator: Allow setting of <var>__index for series
- Validator: Fix userdata string validation
- Lich King (59): Set counter flag to true for Necrotic Plague cooldown
- Lich King (59): Soul Reaper (Warning -> Duration) and make it show the target name
- Add dstname_or_YOU and srcname_or_YOU replace functions
- Validator: Add validation for logical operators in "expect"
- Invoker: Add in code so "expect" can use logical operators on triplets
- Change tft_unitexists and tft_isplayer to return true|false instead of 1|nil
- Invoker: Cleanup duplicate tostring function calls in RepFuncs
- Lich King (59): Split Defile Casting alert into self and others
- Lich King (59): Add Remorseless Winter on self damage warning
- Lich King (59): Add Raging Spirit arrow
- Festergut (13): Quash Muatted Infection timer on self
- Only try to send raid warnings if promoted
- Festergut (13): Quash Mutated Infection timers on others
- Allow 'tag' as a key to alert definitions. This will allow quashing specific
alerts bound to a unit.
- Comment cleanup
- Valithria (13): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Sindragosa (38): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Saurfang (17): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Rotface (13): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Putricide (39): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Marrowgar (15): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Lanathel (26): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Gunship Battle (13): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Festergut (14): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Deathwhisper (33): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Blood Princes (22): Convert to use spellnames over spellids
- Lich King (59): Convert to use spell names over spellids
- Use <spellid> in the spellname key. Conversion to the spellname is done when the
filter is created.
- Increase distributor version to 9. Addon versions < 480 cannot receive
encounters from addon versions >= 480
- Ticket #53: Add toggle option to announce warning messages to raid warning chat
in Alerts -> Warning Messages
- Add option to toggle the strobing effect of the full screen flash
- Lanathel (25): Add Uncontrollable Frenzy warning
- Lanathel (25): Add Frenzied Bloodthirst self timer
- Lanathel (24): Add missing Essence spellids
- Lich King (58): Add additional Enrage spellid
- Sindragosa (37): Add Icy Grip cooldown for the entire encounter
- Sindragosa (36): Add Frost Breath cooldown
- Add validation for srcnpcid and dstnpcid
- Deathwhisper (32): Adjust initial Dominate Mind cooldown
- Recode how combat events are initialized and processed
- Sindragosa (35): Add Tail Smash cooldown
- Precious & Stinky: Add defeat triggers
- Lich King (57): Only start Shadow Trap cooldown on heroic
- Lich King (57): Change default color for Shadow Trap cooldown
- Lich King (57): Change Harvest Soul to a 6 second timer bar
- Lich King (57): Add Raging Spirit cooldown
- Lich King (57): Add more Soul Reaper spellids
- Lich King (57): Add Shadow Trap initial cooldown timer
- Lich King (56): Add Shadow Trap cooldown
- Lich King (55): Change Raging Spirit to a simple warning
- Invoker: CombatEvents -> SIDEvents
- Add spellname key to event definitions, which allows filtering by spellname
instead of spellid
- Cache GetSpellInfo(<spellid>)