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Supported WoW Retail Versions

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    - Halion (13): Soul Consumption bars were saying Fiery Consumption.
    - Halion (12): Add debuff CD timer.
    - Halion (11): Ticket #161 - Use SPELL_AURA_APPLIED for debuffs
    - Alerts: Add options to scale icon and font sizes with bar height (defaulted on)
    so users who upgrade from v490 release don't have to do any additional configuration
    - Halion (10): Forgot to trigger CD after the last Meteor Strike.
    - Halion (9): Fix Meteor CD to properly dropdown and work for Phase 3.
    - Halion(8) Tweak sound/flash settings for the cutter alerts.
    - Halion (7): Set Run Away Little Girl as default sound for Twilight Cutter Casting
    - Halion (6): Adjust Twilight Cutter timers and add Twilight Cutter casting
    - Fix Ruby Sanctum dungeon level
    - Halion (5): Add say messages for Fiery Combustion and Soul Consumption
    - Halion (4): Adjust Twilight Cutter text. Change cooldowns to dropdown type.
    Add Combuston on self, Consumption of self, and Meteor Strike on self.
    Fix Fiery Combustion and Soul Consumption alerts doubling when one is
    on the player
    - Invoker: Fix erroring when set to default encounter
    - Remove duplicate Halions from rebase
    - Ticket #157: Fix series initialization when no userdata table is present
    - Halion(3): More CDs/Warnings.
    A warning for Meteor Strike.
    CD for Meteor Strike in P1 (need more data in P3, the data I have seems
    weird so I'm not sure about it yet).
    CDs that should work for people in both phases for cutter.
    - Halion(2): Implement warnings/marks for debuffs and timers for cutters.  More tomorrow from the logs I have, sleep now.
    - Stub out Halion encounter.  Need logs to really finish.
    - Blood Princes (25): Fix Kinetic Bomb cooldown on 10n
    - Blood Princes (25): Throttle Kinetic Bomb alerts
    - Ticket #150: Change Unbound Plague on self to a 10 second timer
    - Halion(2): Implement warnings/marks for debuffs and timers for cutters.  More tomorrow from the logs I have, sleep now.
    - Stub out Halion encounter.  Need logs to really finish.
    - Halion(3): More CDs/Warnings.
    A warning for Meteor Strike.
    CD for Meteor Strike in P1 (need more data in P3, the data I have seems
    weird so I'm not sure about it yet).
    CDs that should work for people in both phases for cutter.
    - Halion(2): Implement warnings/marks for debuffs and timers for cutters.  More tomorrow from the logs I have, sleep now.
    - Update Northrend TOC to load for The Ruby Sanctum.
    - Stub out Halion encounter.  Need logs to really finish.
    - Add coordinates for The Ruby Sanctum, borroed from DBM until I can get into the zone.
    - Marrowgar (16): Mark Impale target even if it's yourself.
    - Ticket #71 (alert bar options)
    Add height option (applies to all bars)
        Increase range of text horizontal offset
        Add alpha options for bar text and timer text
        Add vertical offset option for bar text
        Add vertical offset option for timer text
        Add font size options for timer text
        Add width options for top, center, and warning anchored bars
        Add text width option for top, center, and warning anchored bars. If bar
        width is adjusted it is recommended to adjust this too to keep text
        from overlapping with other text. Note: Test bar text has been made
        very long to help show where text cuts off
        Add icon x and y offset options
        Add icon size option
        Add show bar border option
        Add show icon border option
        Add bar spacing option
    - Set pane timer font sizes correctly
    - Ticket #142: Add option for changing background inset in Options ->
    Globals. Also added background edge size and background texture options
    - Ticket #142: Add pane boss health bar spacing option
    - Lich King (67): Adjust Val'kyr Carry schedule
    - Ticket #136: Add support for profile switching based on active talent
    spec using LibDualSpec-1.0
    - Ticket #132: Add callback for TriggerDefeat
    - Ticket #130: Add option to change global timer font in Options -> Globals
    - Ticket #40: %t in custom raid bar text is replaced by the name of your
    current target or <<None>> (localized)
    - Explicitly set chat blocking settings in defaults
    - Wrap raid warning announces in *s so they can be blocked using pattern
    - Saurfang (18): Tweak Rune of Blood cooldown
    - Rotface (14): Fix enrage time on 10h
    - Lich King (67): Add Val'kyr Carry warning
    - Alerts: Color a comma separated list of names
    - Invoker: Add vehiclenames replace function
    - Replace localized 'YOU' in announces with announcer's player name
    - Bump the version number.
    - Make arrows show for fixed objects that you need to move away from that started on you.
    Blood Prince Council (24): Shock Arrow will fire when you are targeted now.
    Putricide (42): Goo arrow will fire when you are targeted now.
    Lich King: Invoker changes that make Trap arrow fire when you are
    - Bump the Distribututor version number so that the new arrow options don't cause errors.
    - Make the arrows able to be told about the range of what they're marking.
    Arrows should be red if you're almost certainly standing in something
    now, orange if you might be, yellow if you're probably safe and green if
    you're guranteed to be safe.  The ranges are tightened up so you don't
    need to run as far now to get a green arrow.
    Blood Prince Council (23): Ajust the range for the Shock Vortex arrow.
    Lich King (67): Adjust the range for the Shadow Trap arrow.
    Putricide (41): Adjust the range for the Maleable Goo arrow.
    This is impelemented by adding range1, range2 and range3 options to the
    arrow definition.  If ommitted they default to range1 = 10, range2 =
    range1*2, range3 = range1*3.  range1 should always be the shortest
    distance and increasing out to range3.  For AWAY arrows, range1 should
    be the size of the effect of what you're running away from.  For TOWARD
    arrows range1 should be the maximum distance to be considered at the