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UploadedFeb 18, 2015
Size1.95 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.0.3
- Gruul: Fixed Inferno Slice Cooldown and message. (v662-3 Alpha)
- Kromog: Updated cooldowns.
- The Iron Maidens: Fully updated the encounter.
- Thogar: Fixed Trains cooldowns.
- Darmac: Added missing Inferno Breath cooldown.
- Oregorger: Added Retched Black Rock near you message.
- The Blast Furnace: Added Bomb targets and fixed cooldowns. (Will fully update this encounter in next update)
- Darmac: Added missing Rend And Tear id. (v663-2 Alpha)
- Gruul: Updated enrage timers.
- Hansgar And Franzok: Fully updated.
- Kagraz: Fixed spam messages and added Rising Flames debuff.
- Kromog: Fixed wrong timer and added missing messages and debuffs.
- Updated ruRU locale on Blackrock Foundry. (by horws)
- Updated ruRU locale on Highmaul. (by horws)
- Core: Updated ruRU locales. (by horws)
- Options: Updated ruRU locales. (by horws)
- Core: Added new options for Announce, Message and Arrows.
- Core: Fixed multi target radar.
- Core: Added support for pausing/resuming cooldown bars.
- Blackrock Foundry: Raid Added
- Highmaul: Fixed some KargathBladefist cooldowns.
- Highmaul: Fixed some Koragh cooldowns.
- Highmaul: Fixed Margok multi target radar.
- Highmaul: Changed Tectus marking icons.
- Highmaul: Fixed TwinOgron multi target radar.
- Highmaul: Updated locales for ruRU (horws) and zhCN (nrg3331). Thank you for your help.
- Highmaul: Added Trash Molule.