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UploadedJul 28, 2015
Size2.25 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.0
tag v696
Maev81 <e.dias@live.com.pt>
2015-07-28 22:50:33 +0100
Retagging as 696
- Core:
---- Added support for faking BigWigs and DBM, can be configured in Options -> Miscellaneous in "Fake Bossmod".
---- Added some more default checking to fix some invalid variable installations.
- Options:
---- Added in Pane settings for choosing font size and font quality for pane health bars, the timer and difficulty texts.
- Plugins:
---- InterruptAnnouncer: rearranged some code to fix some performance issues.
---- RaidAuras: Added Paladin Lay of Hands tracking.
- Hellfire Citadel:
---- Archimonde: Added Doomfire Fixate, Wrought Chaos and Focused Chaos icon marking.
---- Archimonde: Added inform warning of Light of the Naaru and incoming Death Brand.
---- Archimonde: Cooldowns timer fixes and tweaked the encounter.
---- Council: Added 30% Mark of the Necromancer warning.
---- Iron Reaver: Removed enraged timer from LFR.
---- KilroggDeadeye: Added Hulking Terror cooldown.
---- Mannoroth: Added respawn time.
---- Mannoroth: Tweaked Mannoroths Gaze code and added incoming Mark of Doom message.
---- Socrethar: Cooldown fixes for Fel Prison and Apocalypse and added a counter to both.
---- TyrantVelhari: Font of Corruption code tweaks.
---- Xhulhorac: Fixed error cause by invalid mark on wild imps icon marking.
---- Xhulhorac: Added counter to Black Hole.
---- Trash: Added Eredar Faithbreaker and Azgalor (Archimonde trash).