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UploadedAug 5, 2015
Size2.25 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.0
tag v699
Maev81 <e.dias@live.com.pt>
2015-08-05 18:45:13 +0100
Tagging as v699
- - Core:
---- Changed the way font are applied on bars and pane to fix sometimes incorrect font quality being applied.
---- Tweaks to throttles function.
---- Fixed radar range incorrect value.
---- Fixed radar sound mute not working properly.
- Options:
---- Added a test example to pane when you are changing pane settings.
- Hellfire Citadel:
----- Archimonde: Shackled Torment (number) fix.
----- Archimonde: Added Void Star cooldown.
----- Archimonde: Tweaked some code and added Allure of Flames message when the boss cast it.
----- Council: Added 5 yards window if you are afected by reap while having Mark of the Necromancer.
----- FelLordZakuun: Seed of Destruction say fix.
----- Gorefiend: Removed 5 yards radar from LFR.
----- IronReaver: Artillery tweaks.
----- Mannoroth: Mannoroths Gaze say fix.
----- ShadowLordIskar: Cooldows tweaks.
----- Socrethar: Tweaks to incoming Portals warnings and cooldowns.
----- TyrantVelhari: Added counter to Tainted Shadows cooldown.
----- TyrantVelhari: Fixed Harbingers Mending for LFR.
----- Xhulhorac: Tweaks.