Deus Vox Encounters
Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) is a boss mod inspired by RDX. It is designed to be functional, efficient, and customizable, so you can change what you want and how you see this addon.
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Click here to donate to Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) your contribution will really help developing the addon.
- Automated: Activation, starting, and stopping of encounters is automatic
- Flexible alert system:
- Customizable timer bars
- Color
- Texture
- Font
- Width
- Spell icons
- And more...!
- Customizable full screen flashes
- Duration
- Transparency
- Oscillations
- Color
- Customizable sounds: Packaged with 18 distinct ones
- All alerts can be adjusted for all encounters
- Audio countdowns can be activated for certain encounter alerts
- Customizable timer bars
- Raid Icons: Marking on important events with an icon of your choosing
- 3D Arrow: Directional arrows tells you where to go on important events
- Two types:
- Away: Directs you to run from a player or a location
- Toward: Directs you to run to a player or a location
- Ability to play a sound when shown
- Displays your distance, to a player or location, in game yards
- Two types:
- Encounter Pane
- Boss health tracking gives you more awareness of fights
- Engage timer tells you how long you've been fighting
- Shortcut buttons provides easier access to common commands
- Conditions to show the pane only when you want to
- Version Check: View addon and encounter versions of raid members
- Distribution System: Allows you to send encounters to the raid or individual players
- Profile System: Switch settings between your characters
- Modular Design: Encounters are loaded in appropriate zones
- SharedMedia support
Getting Started
When you first login with this AddOn you will see a black transparent rectangle with a blue bar labeled 'Default', called the encounter pane, in the center of your screen. Shift+Click on it to move it. From left to right you will see:
- Stop Icon: Halts the current encounter (you should rarely have to do this)
- Menu Icon: Opens the configuration dialog
- Lock Icon: Toggles frame anchors
- Windows Icon: Opens a drop down menu to show interface windows
Also, if you ever hide the pane and can't get it to show, type /dxe to open the configuration dialog. There is also a minimap icon.
Warlords of Draenor Update
- Encounters: Highmaul, BlackRock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel have been implemented.
- Party Module: Party support has been added.
- World Boss Module: World Bosses support has been added.
- Features: More new Alert Options and Spell descriptions on Options.
Implemented Encounters
- Highmaul: All bosses
- BlackRock Foundry: All bosses
- Hellfire Citadel: All bosses
- Warlords of Draenor Party: All bosses
- World Boss: All bosses
Please visit the localization page to translate in-game phrases. It is open to anyone with an account. The most important phrases are the chat triggers for bosses, because they start encounters. However, not all encounters are started by chat triggers. The rest of the phrases are for display purposes. The following languages need a maintainer:
- Korean (koKR)
- Russian (ruRU)
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN)
- Spanish (esES)
- Traditional Chinese (zhTW)
- Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR)
- Latin American Spanish (esMX)
- Code/Inspiration - RDX, BigWigs, DBM
- Coding and Testing - Mäev
- Pane Buttons - Kassay
- Translations - Pettigrow (frFR), Junkie/Fearendon (deDE), horws (ruRU), and everyone else
@mpx007 I'd recommend using oRA3 for tracking player cooldowns as that feature is outside the scope of a boss mod addon. If I remember correctly, the author already said he wasn't going to implement it. There's nothing stopping you from creating a "feature request" ticket, though.
I would first like to say what an awesome addon this is and it has officially replaced DBM as our boss mod of choice. Clean design, very customizable - great job!
I was wondering if there is a way to track/show raid member cooldowns in a timer bar type window (similar to DBM spelltimers) - as a RL I found that feature of DBM to be very usefull to quickly glance up and see who's innervates or BR's were not on CD so we could call it out.
Also, for Deathbringer Saurfang - is it possible to show his blood power in the window along with his health?
So I've been working on arrows for the Festergut Gas Spores and I have this line in the arrow dealy I made: spell = L.alert["Spore"],
And with that I keep getting: AceLocale-3.0: DXE Alert: Missing entry for "Spore"
Do you know why it is doing that? I basically just referenced other arrows you had which had similar things like "Roots" in place of "Spore".
Mostly just trying to see if I can do it before you get around to getting it in. Small learning project if you will.
100% positive I had the encounter. Tried to load it several times as well. Only boss I had a problem. Downloading the version you just uploaded now and hope that fixes it.
I had a feeling on the current 5man timers. I take it no easy way to rip them from dbm just to get the timers. If someone needs the arrows and everything for a 5man then they need to step up their game :-P lol. (yes i know a bit elitist)
@stdafo: #4# is the 4th arg of COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED, which is commonly referred to as destination GUID (dstGUID). I only use #11# for SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE to see the stack numbers.
SN and ST are just aliases for GetSpellInfo(spellid) and select(3,GetSpellInfo(spellid))
@lowshin76: That's a good idea i'll get that added in
@Magariz: Are you sure you even had the Putricide encounter? Also, you can change the sounds in Sound Label. I don't play on adding battleground timers, but I'll be adding 5 man timers in Cataclysm. It's too much work to add them right now.
Trying to add a warning for mutated plague stacks on the Putricide encounter using the code in Northrend Beast impale stacks...
Have a few questions...what's the significance of #4# and #11# in the lines
{ "expect",{"#4#","==","&playerguid&"}, "set",{impaletext = format("%s: %s! %s!",SN[66331],L["YOU"],format(L["%s Stacks"],"#11#"))}, "alert","impalewarn", },
And will those work generically? Is that an index number into the 'array' of information blizzard sends in the event to the combat log?
Also will SN[number] and ST[number] work for any existing spell id? Or do I have to define each spell id somehow?
I apologize if these questions go beyond the scope of what we should be posting.
Either way, thanks in advance.
Question: Is this possible when the spores spawn over peoples head is there a way to call the arrows up? I.E. Burning Bile and Paralytic Spray from the Acidmaw and Dreadscale fight or the Bone Spikes in the Marrowgwar fight.. Something like point in the direction with the person with the closest spore?
Just wanted to say that I like the add on and the direction that it has continued to go. Thank you.
Last night I had a problem were DXE did not want to work at all for Putricide 25. I tried to pick the boss from the list under "Activate" and still no result. Also I have been trying to find a way to change the audible alarms as the little chimes and bells are barely noticble to me, but I only found an option to clear the sounds not change them.
Overall excellent work and keep it up. Very well done and clean addon!
@suicidalkatt: I'll add that in soon. It'll probably be the same as how LibSink outputs raid warnings so you'll have the option of having local warning messages and broacasting.
@panzerbase: I'll add multi-marking on spores sometime even though there's already a giant orange ball above the person's head. I don't know if it'll be visible.
@Oakayam: It's added in the latest release
@ShadowLycaon: I've added all those timers with a few tweaks. Thanks for finding them.
but if its already possible, let it me know .. because i haven't found it...
Were there any plans on adding raid announcements?
Also a warning for the debuffs during either the festergut / rotface fights.