Deus Vox Encounters
Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) is a boss mod inspired by RDX. It is designed to be functional, efficient, and customizable, so you can change what you want and how you see this addon.
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Click here to donate to Deus Vox Encounters (DXE) your contribution will really help developing the addon.
- Automated: Activation, starting, and stopping of encounters is automatic
- Flexible alert system:
- Customizable timer bars
- Color
- Texture
- Font
- Width
- Spell icons
- And more...!
- Customizable full screen flashes
- Duration
- Transparency
- Oscillations
- Color
- Customizable sounds: Packaged with 18 distinct ones
- All alerts can be adjusted for all encounters
- Audio countdowns can be activated for certain encounter alerts
- Customizable timer bars
- Raid Icons: Marking on important events with an icon of your choosing
- 3D Arrow: Directional arrows tells you where to go on important events
- Two types:
- Away: Directs you to run from a player or a location
- Toward: Directs you to run to a player or a location
- Ability to play a sound when shown
- Displays your distance, to a player or location, in game yards
- Two types:
- Encounter Pane
- Boss health tracking gives you more awareness of fights
- Engage timer tells you how long you've been fighting
- Shortcut buttons provides easier access to common commands
- Conditions to show the pane only when you want to
- Version Check: View addon and encounter versions of raid members
- Distribution System: Allows you to send encounters to the raid or individual players
- Profile System: Switch settings between your characters
- Modular Design: Encounters are loaded in appropriate zones
- SharedMedia support
Getting Started
When you first login with this AddOn you will see a black transparent rectangle with a blue bar labeled 'Default', called the encounter pane, in the center of your screen. Shift+Click on it to move it. From left to right you will see:
- Stop Icon: Halts the current encounter (you should rarely have to do this)
- Menu Icon: Opens the configuration dialog
- Lock Icon: Toggles frame anchors
- Windows Icon: Opens a drop down menu to show interface windows
Also, if you ever hide the pane and can't get it to show, type /dxe to open the configuration dialog. There is also a minimap icon.
Warlords of Draenor Update
- Encounters: Highmaul, BlackRock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel have been implemented.
- Party Module: Party support has been added.
- World Boss Module: World Bosses support has been added.
- Features: More new Alert Options and Spell descriptions on Options.
Implemented Encounters
- Highmaul: All bosses
- BlackRock Foundry: All bosses
- Hellfire Citadel: All bosses
- Warlords of Draenor Party: All bosses
- World Boss: All bosses
Please visit the localization page to translate in-game phrases. It is open to anyone with an account. The most important phrases are the chat triggers for bosses, because they start encounters. However, not all encounters are started by chat triggers. The rest of the phrases are for display purposes. The following languages need a maintainer:
- Korean (koKR)
- Russian (ruRU)
- Simplified Chinese (zhCN)
- Spanish (esES)
- Traditional Chinese (zhTW)
- Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR)
- Latin American Spanish (esMX)
- Code/Inspiration - RDX, BigWigs, DBM
- Coding and Testing - Mäev
- Pane Buttons - Kassay
- Translations - Pettigrow (frFR), Junkie/Fearendon (deDE), horws (ruRU), and everyone else
I haven't been able to figure out the Iron Maidens issue at all but I run BigWigs once we get to Maidens and there are no issues with it (I unload the boss I'm not using at the time, they're never both enabled together).
And yes its the raid break timer, local one worked just fine for me as well.
Also I have some spare time so I'll help with the positioning and parent anchoring options and you can let me know what you think, I mean I'm maybe the only one who wants this because I'm using a pixel perfect UI but who knows, can't hurt to add it.
Hi Tom, thank you for your words, really appreciate it and i welcome all the help users are doing (reporting bugs and translations). So if you next PTR you want to help i gladly take your help, i dont have the time that i wish to have and that's why i sometimes take somewhat to long to release an update and for that reason for coding encounters i wont lie i take alot of ideas from bigwigs and some from dbm because i honestly love bigwigs and hope someday bigwigs gives the power of customization that DXE have.
Ok will see what the problem is for the break code and its probably the Raid break, when i done that only tested properly the Local break bar
As for Iron Maidens i will see when i get the chance on LFR (guild already killed them) but its strange if that happens because the player name is strait from combat log, there's nothing between the info (no encounter coding delay, nothing). So its must be an blizzard combat log bug. Do you run DXE with another bossmod ? If so did it showed the right player?
As for your request, i really have limited time but i can start doing work on that. Its a simple option to enter a custom value for x and y for all the anchors and choose their parent right?
As for now i have to fix some encounter bugs (Hi Thogar......) and tweak some others and finish my long wish that i always delay, a bar for Best kill time.
Hey Maev, amazing job at keeping this alive. Just got a few little niggles though which I've fixed some of it already for myself but I'm not sure if anyone else was getting these issues but thought it might be a good idea to bring it to attention just in case its not me tweaking things and breaking stuff.
First one is the break timer, its fine until I reload, relog or restart the game. For some reason the saved variables DXE.lua and DXE_Loader.lua are missing the 2nd value:
And when I get back into the game it's returning the comparison for nil value error. Which later on causes my alerts to stack on top of each other until I make it store the correct value.
The second issue is Iron Maidens (May just be mythic not done heroic or normal for a while), I've noticed that sometimes it displays the wrong player name for Blood Ritual and Rapid Fire. It's not everytime, but it happens.
PS. If you want any help with transcripts in the future for the next raid tier from PTR I can happily provide all the info so you can get the timers ready early and I can help start some of the boss lua tables.
Also minor request for the positioning of frames and my pixel perfect OCDness. If you ever get bored with enough spare time I would love it if you could add anchor parents (even though I'll probably end up using UIParent mostly anyway) and x,y coordinates for alerts positioning for finer control rather than drag with my mouse to roughly the right spot and editing the saved vars to integers. :P
15 seconds are only on Test Bars in Options
by default on an encounter that transition is 5 seconds but you can change individually per ability, its the Flashtime setting on encounter ability's bars. You will see that by default is set to 5 like Audio time is
But yes its a good idea to make a configuration for the default transition (the jump to center bar). Thinking on it by default it would be better 10 instead of 5
Is it possible to change the time it takes for a message in the Top Bars section to jump to the Center Bars section? Personally, I find 15 seconds a bit long.
i have tested it and haven't add any issue
if there was you wouldn't also get a message from dxe when you set it on weak auras
there must have been some addon interfering at that time....
Would be nice if you could add a notification which Player gets the "Convulsive Shadows" debuff in the Iron Maidens Mythic Encounter.
In addition it seems the Convulsive Shadows Cooldown is not working as it should. (Got no Bar for it in the fight today)
will add it
as for the cooldown not working i made a typo and only 2 or 3 specs are showing it :|
thanks for the report mTx, just need to finish some stuff and will release a new version
if you could need help at the development of DXE I would be proud to help out ;)
i apreciante the feedback especialy for mythic because in this expansion my experience in Mythic is almost zero
also the notification for Convulsive Shadows is a normal message saying "Convulsive Shadows on player" or you have in mind more about a bigger alert saying "Dispell player"
in normal/heroic was always better to not dispell it, is not the same on mythic?
They both was enabled and they didnt say anything @say chat till I made a weak auras with a text when im debuffed, then i have 2 say texts saying the same ;/
there are say announces for both of that ability's and when i played on that encounter didn't see any problem with them
can you please check if they aren't disabled on the encounter settings @ announces tab?
Any way to get say texts on Rapid Fire and Blood Rituals for Maiden's encounter? Thanks!
Tested yesterday the Operator Thogar encounter and it works like a charm, thanks again for you work guys!
Thanks! :D
Any chance for support in older raid instances or dungeons?
what expansion?
WotLK +++ .. I know that it is a lot of work, but I'm missing the timers on the events in some instances. I'd really appreciate it if they could be there :P
fixed in released 664 :)
Hello, Im having issues at Operator Thogar encounter, when MAA or Flamebender dies the BossMod just resets and it start again, also sometimes I dont have any warning when im fixated by the cannon and the bombs are shooted to me.
Will be a pleasure if you fix this encounter soon, thanks for all!