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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. N/A2.3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?soul shards use to be carried around by warlocks in their bag. since 4.0.1, blizz got rid of carrying them and capped the warlock to 3 soul shards at all time. to gain soul shards you use drain soul on a mob and if you get xp or honor from it (i believe is how it works), it gives you a soul shard, up to 3 of them to store for as long as you want. once you use a soulburn, you can cast certain spells and use a soul shard... i don't think i'm explaining it correctly, so instead here is a link to the wowwiki page on soul shards as of 4.0.1.
holy power: new mechanic that the paladins have where you do certain spells and it generates charges, 3 of them i believe that are stored (but fall off after a certain amount of time) and used in conjunction with specific spells to either activate those spells or to make them more powerful. i also included a link down below to the wowwiki page on the mechanic for it.
druid eclipse: i hate to say this but i have no idea how this spell works, i don't have a druid, so i included a link down below for how the mechanic works.
What version of the product are you using?v1.5.14
Do you have an error log of what happened?N/A
Please provide any additional information below. (new soul shard mechanic) (new paladin mechanic) (new druid mechanic)
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