Traditional Chinese
All Namespaces
- <level> <name>
- <level><elite> <name>
- <level><elite> <name> [ <class> ] = true
- <name> [ <class> ] = true
- Alphas
- Bar font
- Casting
- Center Spacing
- Centered
- Cheking this option will prevent tooltips, frame moving and menu popping
- Click Trough Frames
- Combat
- Configure bar's border functionality
- Current
- Current (Percent%)
- Current/Max
- Current/Max (Percent%)
- Custom Texture
- Death
- Full
- General
- General Options
- Left
- Low
- Med
- Move Texts
- Name of the texture's folder
- Out of Combat
- Percent%
- Regeneration
- Right
- Selection
- Set DHUD3's scale
- Set the HUD's situation alpha. The order shown is the precedence order, i.e. Combat alpha will override Selection alpha
- Show Bar Borders
- Show Bars when empty
- Show Minimap Button
- Show/hide borders
- Show/hide empty (0 value) bars
- Texture
- The folder must exist in .../DHUD3/textures/. Leave blank to use on of the default textures
- The font used by all Modules