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UploadedSep 17, 2009
Size107.26 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
tag v1.0-beta
Adirelle <adirelle@tagada-team.net>
2009-09-17 11:37:19 +0200
Tagging as v1.0-beta.
- Properly handle profile changes.
- Fixed error message related to module loading.
- More LoD awesomeness.
- .pkgmeta fix.
- Added .pkgmeta and updated TOCs.
- Made the DR state (1/2, 1/4, 0) more visible.
- Added support for Blizzard frames: target, focus and arena enemies.
- Added layout options for each frame.
- Fixed supporting addon loading.
- Fixed Tracker.lua not finding addon.
Fixed TOC dependencies.
- Moved unit frame supports to their own addons.
Moved tracking code to its own file.
- Configuration is working now.
Added localization.
- Fixed some quirk in event library.
Added configuration options and GUI.
Changed the way test mode is handled.
- Spell list updated.
- Fixed categories.
Reload categories on talent swich or pet change.
Made the feedback text easier to read.
Added a test mode that can be toggled using /drtest.
- Hide display frames and unregister events when disabled (e.g. in party/raid instances).
- Tidied code a bit.
Display text in center of the icon.
Autosize text to fill the icon.
- Spell list and frame setup reworked.
- Version initiale.