All Namespaces
- "Reset" sound
- Addon support
- Always
- Anchor to screen
- Arena
- Being PvP flagged
- Big timer
- Blizzard: arena enemies
- Bottom
- Bottom left
- Bottom right
- Center
- Check this box to attach diminishing return icons to this/these frame/s.
- Check this box to display diminishing returns of mobs. Please remember that dimishing returns usually do not apply to mobs.
- Check this box to display diminishing returns on mobs. Please remember that diminishing returns usually do not apply to mobs.
- Check this box to swap diminishing and timer texts.
- Check this to anchor the icon bar to the screen instead of the unit frame. This allows you to place it whereever you want.
- Check this to display an icon only when the unit is immune to the spells of a category.
- Check this to display bogus icons on every supported frames.
- Check this to play a sound when the diminishing return of a watched category is reset on any target.
- DiminishingReturns
- Direction
- DRData-1.0 (DR categorization data)
- Enable test mode
- Enabled
- Entering arena only
- Entering battleground or arena
- error:
- Frame options
- Frame side
- Icon anchor
- Icon size
- Icon spacing
- Internal version: %d
- Learn categories to show
- Left
- No supported addon has been loaded yet.
- Play sound at reset
- Postponed loading
- PvE mode
- Refresh
- Reset duration
- Right
- Select diminishing returns categories to display.
- Select in which direction the icons are layed out.
- Select the sound to play at reset. See SharedMedia documentation to know how to add new sounds.
- Select to which side of the unit frame the icon bar is attached.
- Select which side of the icon bar is attached to the unit frame.
- Show only immunities
- Shown categories
- Support status
- This category is triggered by the following effects: %s
- This is the delay between the end of an effect and the time it can be applied at full length again. This delay is officialy 15 seconds but higher values have been recorded. You can do some tests and adjust this value accordingly. This will not affect running diminishing returns.
- to be loaded
- Top
- Top left
- Top right
- Track diminishing returns on group members.
- Use this option to postpone loading. Once loaded, DiminishingReturns is always active outside of PvE instances. This option requires AddonLoader.
- Use this to set a vertical offset between the icon anchor and the unit frame attach point, in pixels.
- Use this to set an horizontal offset between the icon anchor and the unit frame attach point, in pixels.
- Use this to set the icon size, in pixels.
- Use this to set the size of the gap between icons, in pixels.
- Watch friends
- When enabled, DiminishingReturns will discover the categories to display when you use spells that triggers them.
- X offset
- Y offset