All Namespaces
- Addon_Desc
- Adjustments
- Alpha Adjustment
- AlphaAdj_OptDesc
- Always Show
- Amount
- Attached
- Attached_OptDesc
- Automatic
- Automatic_OptDesc
- Background
- Background_OptDesc
- Bar
- Bar Background
- Bar Texture
- BarBkgColor_Desc
- BarColor_Desc
- BarHeight_Desc
- BarTexture_OptionDesc
- BarWidth_Desc
- Base
- Base Tick
- Baseline
- BkgColor_OptDesc
- Block
- Blood
- Blood Plague Bar
- Border
- Border_OptionDesc
- Center
- Color
- Color Adjustment
- ColorAdj_OptDesc
- Colors
- Combat Alpha
- CombatAlpha_Desc
- Data Feed
- DataFeed_OptionDesc
- Dimensions
- Disease Order
- Disease Strength
- Disease Tick Values
- DiseaseOrder_Desc
- Display
- DontReapply
- DontReapply_Desc
- Down
- Effective
- Effective Increase
- Effective Tick
- Enabled
- Enabled for Specs
- Fixed
- Fixed Color
- Focus Frame
- Font
- Font size
- Font size for the bars.
- Font to use.
- FontMonochromeDesc
- FontOutlineDesc
- FontThickOutline_OptionDesc
- Frost
- Frost Fever Bar
- General Options
- Height
- Hide Out of Combat
- Hide When
- Icon
- In Vehicle
- Last BP Tick
- Layout
- LayoutDesc
- Left
- Lock
- LockDesc
- Minimap Button
- Monochrome
- No Diseases
- NoDisease
- NoDisease_Desc
- None
- Not Attackable
- Only Show HB
- OnlyShowHB_Desc
- OOC Alpha
- OOCAlpha_Desc
- Out of Combat
- Outline
- Override
- Percent
- Position
- Reapply
- Reapply_Desc
- ReapplyThreshold
- ReapplyThreshold_Desc
- Refresh + Current
- Reverse
- Reverse_Desc
- Right
- Shift + Left-Click to set baseline.
- Stacks
- Strength Value
- Target Frame
- Text Color
- TextColor_OptDesc
- Textures
- Thick Outline
- Threshold
- Timer Value
- Toggle the minimap button
- Unholy
- Value
- Width
- X Offset
- XOffset_Desc
- Y Offset
- YOffset_Desc