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  • Uploaded
    Feb 8, 2010
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    148.53 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.3.0



- General:
- CPU usage optimizations
- Rearranged some code, reducing the amount of table entries and function calls by a few per class
- Enabled CoE/Ebon Plague/Earth and Moon calculation for Rogues and Hunters (for poisons, envenom etc.)
- Thorns and Retribution aura now display +1% Damage in the tooltip instead of the possibly misleading +1% DPS
- Fixed and Re-enabled the elemental damage calculation for half-physical, half-magic attacks I had to disable in the last version due to an unexpected error
- Fixed a few physical/spell hybrid abilities so that they should no longer be classified as the wrong type (affects the bonuses of a few buffs)
- Added Blessing of Wisdom, Sanctified Retribution and Ferocious inspiration to manual buffs list

- Death Knight:
- Fixed Black Ice applying incorrectly to Scourge Strike

- Druid:
- Maul and Shred should now properly receive bonus from Trauma/Mangle
- Moonkin T8 bonus was apparently reduced from 15% to 7% at some point

- Shaman:
- Fixed Healing Wave incorrectly getting some Chain Heal set bonuses
- Lava Lash now properly deals fire damage

- Rogue:
- Rogue Poisons now properly inherit all the spellhit and spellcrit they should from buffs/talents
- Gouge doesn't cause poison procs

- Warrior:
- I disabled Precision hit chance increase from a few warrior abilities (Thunderclap, Intercept, Shockwave, Shield Slam, Victory Rush). Please correct me if I'm wrong!