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  • Uploaded
    Feb 13, 2010
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    284.60 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.3.0



- General:
- CPU usage optimizations
- Rearranged some code, reducing the amount of table entries and function calls by a few per class
- Enabled CoE/Ebon Plague/Earth and Moon calculation for Rogues and Hunters (for poisons, envenom etc.)
- Thorns and Retribution aura now display +1% Damage in the tooltip instead of the possibly misleading +1% DPS
- Fixed and Re-enabled the elemental damage calculation for half-physical, half-magic attacks I had to disable in the last version due to an unexpected error
- Fixed a few physical/spell hybrid abilities so that they should no longer be classified as the wrong type (affects the bonuses of a few buffs)
- Added Blessing of Wisdom, Sanctified Retribution and Ferocious inspiration to manual buffs list

- Death Knight:
- Fixed Black Ice applying incorrectly to Scourge Strike

- Druid:
- Maul and Shred should now properly receive bonus from Trauma/Mangle
- Moonkin T8 bonus was apparently reduced from 15% to 7% at some point

- Shaman:
- Fixed Healing Wave incorrectly getting some Chain Heal set bonuses
- Lava Lash now properly deals fire damage

- Rogue:
- Rogue Poisons now properly inherit all the spellhit and spellcrit they should from buffs/talents
- Gouge doesn't cause poison procs

- Warrior:
- I disabled Precision hit chance increase from a few warrior abilities (Thunderclap, Intercept, Shockwave, Shield Slam, Victory Rush). Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
148.31 KB Feb 13, 2010 3.3.0 19