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UploadedFeb 23, 2010
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
- General:
- Now supports having two actionbar texts, the second one is disabled by default
- CPU usage optimizations
- Polished the actionbar options and clarified a few of the actionbar text display type options
- Now displays information in the tooltips of abilities in the class trainer menu
- Improved Power Cost display to apply to all abilities with a powercost (rage or energy)
- Improved Mana Cost and Casts Left display ability to apply to all abilities with a manacost
- Power Cost display now uses default UI colors for rage and energy for the text, but this can be configured in the options screen
- Casts Left display now uses a three stage color coding, green for >= 10 casts, yellow for >= 5 casts and <5 is red. The colors are configurable in the options screen.
- All tooltips now use abbrevations of Damage Per [Powertype] instead of displaying the full title (DPE, DPR, DPRP, DPM etc.)
- Enabled CoE/Ebon Plague/Earth and Moon calculation for Rogues and Hunters (for poisons, envenom etc.)
- Thorns and Retribution aura now display +1% Damage in the tooltip instead of the possibly misleading +1% DPS
- Fixed and Re-enabled the elemental damage calculation for half-physical, half-magic attacks I had to disable in the last version due to an unexpected error
- Fixed a few physical/spell hybrid abilities so that they should no longer be classified as the wrong type (affects the bonuses of a few buffs)
- Added Blessing of Wisdom, Sanctified Retribution and Ferocious inspiration to manual buffs list
- Added text to Holy Nova, Holy Shock and Death Coil tooltips to specify which action is being shown (damage or healing)
- Added options to hide macro name text (enabled by default) and hotkey text (disabled by default) from actionbar buttons
- Death Knight:
- Fixed Black Ice applying incorrectly to Scourge Strike
- Druid:
- Maul and Shred should now properly receive bonus from Trauma/Mangle
- Moonkin T8 bonus was apparently reduced from 15% to 7% at some point
- Hunter:
- 2p T9 Hunter: Mortal Shots only apply 15% bonus to serpent sting crits and the meta gem crit bonus is counted spell type (apparently serpent sting crits are classified as spellcrits, but boosted by 50%)
- Black Arrow Coefficient corrected to 0.115.
- Sniper Training bonus seems to be additive.
- All ranks of Improved Steady Shot now correctly give a 15% bonus, instead of 5/10/15%
- Mage:
- Glyphs of Frostfire, Frostbolt and Scorch are all additive
- Aracane Power and Arcane Blast are additive
- Slightly adjusted Arcane Missiles coefficient (from 1.426 to 1.4305)
- Spell Impact, Fire Power and Chilled to the Bone are additive, Playing with Fire is multiplicative
- Shaman:
- Fixed Healing Wave incorrectly getting some Chain Heal set bonuses
- Lava Lash now properly deals fire damage
- T9 enhancement bonus is additive, not multiplicative
- Call of Flame and Booming Echoes are additive
- Tidal Waves does not apply to LHW totem
- Slightly adjusted Earth Shield coefficient
- Added a few missing downranking coefficients
- Glyph of Lightning Shield is additive
- Slightly adjusted Lightning Shield and Thunderstorm coefficients to more accurate values
- Fixed Frozen Power
- Fixed Improved Earth Shield to stack additively with Improved Shields
- Now correctly retrieves offhand weapon buff
- Priest:
- Set Glyph of Power Word: Shield to benefit from Blessed Resilience and Test of Faith.
- Fixed some buffs/debuffs (eg. Grace) that incorrectly applied also to the absorption portion of PW: S.
- Blessed Resilience no longer double stacks on empowered heal direct heal
- Glyph of Power Word: Shield or PW:S does not benefit from Test of Faith
- Glyph of Power Word: Shield does not benefit from Spiritual Healing
- Added Dispel Magic heal actionbar text when glyphed for it
- Fixed Glyph of Prayer of Healing
- Glyph of Mind Flay stacks additively with Twisted Faith but multiplicatively with Darkness, which is the opposite of how talents stack on Mind Flay
- Glyph of Renew is bugged and reduces talent effects by 20% (Spiritual Healing, Twin Disciplines, Improved Renew but not Focused Power or Blessed Resilience)
- Fixed Glyph of Holy Nova, adjusted Holy Nova coefficient slightly
- Mind Sear can crit
- Twin Disciplines applies to Mind Flay
- Rogue:
- Rogue Poisons now properly inherit all the spellhit and spellcrit they should from buffs/talents
- Gouge doesn't cause poison procs
- Warrior:
- I disabled Precision hit chance increase from a few warrior abilities (Thunderclap, Intercept, Shockwave, Shield Slam, Victory Rush). Please correct me if I'm wrong!
- Added Glyph of Heroic Strike
- Warlock:
- Fixed Shadow Ward coefficient