Update 05/24/2013
DrDamage is currently being developed for 5.x. Only monks (of any spec) are not supported. All classes which existed prior to Mists are supported.
Current state: Check the http://www.wowace.com/addons/dr-damage/pages/known-issues Page before providing feedback!
DrDamage displays the calculated damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. The addon also adds various statistics to the tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar.
Slash Commands:
/drd or /drdmg or /drdamage
If you want to help having this addon translated into your language visit: http://www.wowace.com/projects/dr-damage/localization/
- Supports all classes
- Actionbar addons supported: Default, Bartender 4, CT_BarMod, Dominos, elvUI, Macaroon, Nurfed AB, IPopBar, nUI, ReAction Bars and RDX.
- Places text with the metric of your choosing on the actionbar buttons.
- Damage and healing statistics are placed into your tooltips. This includes for example critical hit chance, spell damage and damage coefficients, averages, DPS, DPSC (damage per seconds cast), damage until OOM and more!
- Your own buffs and your target's debuffs are taken into account.
- Allows manual modification of the essential talents, buffs and character stats used to calculate. For example you can test how much increasing your spellpower by 100 would increase your damage or healing output.
- If you're overwhelmed by the amount of statistics presented, you can use the options reduce the amount to whatever you feel is important!
Known Issues Please see the Known Issues page before opening a ticket.
Bug reports:
- NOTE: DETAILED reports about inaccuracies is the only way we'll know something is wrong. If you don't report it, don't expect it to get fixed!
To submit a bug report, please visit this page first: Mod Feedback This will tell you what we expect and how we need it in order to help you.
Acronym/abbreviation list:
- AP = Attack Power
- RAP = Ranged Attack Power
- SP = Spell Power
- Ht = Hit rating
- Cr = Critical strike rating
- Exp = Expertise rating
- Ha = Haste rating
- Ma = Mastery rating
- HPS/DPS = Healing/Damage Per Second
- HPSC/DPSC = Healing/Damage Per Seconds Casted
- HPSCD/DPSCD = Healing/Damage Per Seconds CoolDown
- HOOM/DOOM = Healing/Damage (until) Out of Mana
- HPM/DPM = Healing/Damage Per Mana
- DPE = Damage Per Energy
- DPF = Damage Per Focus
- DPR = Damage Per Rage
- DPRP = Damage Per Runic Power
- MPS = Mana Per Second (How much mana the spell uses per seconds casted)
- GCD = Global CoolDown
The best addition, thanks to the author
I love this addon.
Ooooh happy day!!
Thank you very very very much!
TaWiWa *g*
Thank you very much that you update this wonderfull addon. !!!!!!
Great news indeed.Little bit sorry warr isnt there ready for test,but if this great addon comes back to life being liitle more patient is worth it.
I have been working in order of toons I have rated from highest gear and level to lowest. Rogue is my main for this expansion, so it got done first. Mages were next as that's my next 90. Same with druids. (Which is also why I don't have balance/resto testing because I don't have sets for either). Some guildies are helping me test each of the ones I have currently marked 'beta'.
If it weren't for them, the addon wouldn't be as complete. I think I'll be getting to hunters after paladins are done. Warriors may be after that, I think.
I am not including this for a wider audience in alpha testing because the amount of feedback I would get would be so great that I would not have the opportunity to address issues as I can now. Laser focus allows me to fix issues rapidly. (A guild discipline priest was immensely helpful in feedback for that spec/class.)
Once it gets to the point where at least 98% functionality is available for classes, I'll mark it as beta and ask for testing / feedback.
Update to this comment:
I enlisted Gagorian's help, so some stuff is moving quicker. if it's not quicker, it's definitely more accurate without slowing things down. (Yes, he has an active account in WoW now!)
народ, че-то я на офф сайте проекта на вовэйс не нашел линка на свежую версию, поделитесь если не трудно.
Give me please link for download new version of this addon, I can't find it. Sorry for my bad english.
The addon is not ready. When it is out of alpha/beta stage, it will appear either here or on the addon's main site. Check here first as that will be the 'release' version that should work for most/all classes.
Note: The addon probably will not work for non-English localizations as I do not have any folks assisting in translations. Assistance would be nice - and submitted in the form of diff patches would be very useful.
Thank you so much I can't wait for release been waiting along time haha!! I love this addon!
I'm currently updating this addon for 5.2. Check at the official site, but I should have one available by mid-March for all classes. (Rogues mostly working atm, Mage: all works except frost is a bit low (mastery), Priest: holy priest looks good, so does shadow - discipline is untested. Druids: feral and guardian look fine, testing balance/resto with guildies before declaring ok. Anything else is not yet started.)
(Edit to indicate the proper version I'm working on. 5.3 isn't even in development. LULZ.)
This is very exciting, thank you angosia! I'm sure many of us are grateful for the effort you are putting forth in updating this addon!
When most classes are in a mostly functional state, I'll be putting it out as a beta release.
Generally speaking, we prioritize major functionality before minor/cosmetic ones. The mana regen system needs to be completely re-written as that's changed between expansions.
I did a lot of work on shaman last night. Elemental is mostly functional with I think only the level 87 Ascendance and the level 90 talents not being implemented yet. Surprisingly, I think, it was even easier than anything else I've updated. The trick is healing stream totem is weaker than the tooltips and datamined information say. I'll work on restoration after that and then enhancement.
Rogues will need a rewrite of the poison engine because Blizzard changed Deadly Poison to include mechanics from instant poison, which were previously separate. This means, and I know Gagorian got a migraine when I explained that to him, we'll have to completely rewrite the engine for poisons.
I'll probably get some guildies to help me test out resto/balance druids in Alpha state before I release that to beta because I don't have resto/balance gear on my druid minion. (Never will!) Guardian doesn't have a lot of modifiers or spec modifiers, so I think that one is mostly (or should be) done.
I need to do some final testing on arcane, but it appears to be working properly for mages. Fire/Frost are working fine as well.
Holy Priests appear to be working fine. Discipline priests are fine too, but do not currently include bubble on crit heal mechanics as they were not working properly in the engine. It's a minor thing (as PW:S works fine), but we'll work on that for completion's sake after we get every other major change implemented. Additionally, level 90 talents need to be added.
After shaman are done (or mostly working), I'll be working on paladins next.
Date: 2013-01-18 13:43:47
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\DrDamage\DrDamage.lua line 3482:
attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'scaler' (a nil value)
Does anyone have any idea about the error? Which occurs when a char lvl reached on 90
@ alperencpt and all others:
" Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\DrDamage\DrDamage.lua line 2221:
attempt to call upvalue 'GetNumTalentTabs' (a nil value) "
open DrDamage.lua with Notepad++ and go to line 2221 and change 'GetNumTalentTabs' to "GetNumSpecializations".
All names off 'GetNumTalentTabs' change to "GetNumSpecializations".
When it's done and has been stored, then the other error messages occur. Then simply open the file with Notepad + + and correct the corresponding error.
Here are the names to be changed:
Functions pertaining to talents and specializations are renamed:
GetActiveTalentGroup → GetActiveSpecGroup (NB: the player character only)
SetActiveTalentGroup → SetActiveSpecGroup
GetNumTalentGroups → GetNumSpecGroups
GetPrimaryTalentTree → GetSpecialization
GetUnspentTalentPoints → GetNumUnspentTalents
GetNumTalentTabs → GetNumSpecializations
GetTalentTabInfo → GetSpecializationInfo
GetTalentTreeRoles → GetSpecializationRole
Many party / raid-related functions and events are merged into group variants.
IsRaidLeader, IsPartyLeader, UnitIsPartyLeader → UnitIsGroupLeader
IsRaidOfficer, UnitIsRaidOfficer → UnitIsGroupAssistant
GetNumPartyMembers, GetRealNumPartyMembers → GetNumSubgroupMembers
GetNumRaidMembers, GetRealNumRaidMembers → GetNumGroupMembers (NB: non-0 in any group, including parties; IsInRaid use to check for group type)
source: http://www.wowpedia.org/Patch_5.0.4/API_changes
DrDamage have harcoded tables per level (up to max level 85, last release April 2012). So you need not only fix API changes, but also figure new math and rebuild tables. And do this for every minor patch when Blizzard "tune" classes (by gathering statistics with all possible levels and stats unless you know exact formula used by Blizzard). This is major problem.
Error in your question mean: while executing code at line 3482 variable 'scaler' was nil (undefined value, you can't do math calculations with nil). And while posting please remove from error log list of addons (except DrDamage), because your message too long.
Edit: error explanation
line 3482 "local avg = t[1] * scaler * c_scale"
where line 3469 'local scaler = self.Scaling[playerLevel]'
so I guess scaler is nil because data for your level not exists in table 'Scaling' (probably 86-90 since DrDamage last release for Cata)
This will be in the official release later next month. I'm currently testing an alpha version (have been for a bit) - and none of the LUA errors mentioned in this thread exist any longer.
Those were among the first errors I fixed because I can't do testing if the mod blows up on login. :)
The scaler refers to a value as determined by datamined information. It generally is in a table which an element of the array corresponds to the player level in the array of said class. There are multiple scalers and not all classes have the same master scaler values. (Indeed, some have one value, others have a second value, and more have a 3rd, and so on.)
Adding complexity to this, sometimes spells have deltas - in that coefficients and bonuses could (and do in many cases) change depending on the level of the character (including, but not limited to, cast time, spell coefficients, etc). And, with the case of melee (rogues/druids come to mind right away), bonus damage per combo point that is based off that scaler and not the AP of the character in question.
This information is gleened from the simulationcraft engine. Generally speaking, that tends to be correct most of the time (99% from my experience).
In addition, many talents have simply disappeared completely or otherwise been baked straight into the abilities. Gutting the old talent system, adding new auras/modifiers, and changing/removing glyphs takes a lot of time because those have either changed, been removed, or had new ones added. It is a slow process to make sure everything works right (I think holy priests and mages were probably the easiest so far).
Gagorian has explained to me how the values are derived and from where, so I've been moving in rapid order to make sure that the classes are updated (amazing how much faster things move when you know the methodology used).
Need, need, need. pls, pls, pls.....
An update to this addon would be the best thing that could happen in the addon world..
It's coming. Gagorian and I want to review the code on the 4 classes near finished before we even package an alpha release for the 4/11 classes.