Update 05/24/2013
DrDamage is currently being developed for 5.x. Only monks (of any spec) are not supported. All classes which existed prior to Mists are supported.
Current state: Check the http://www.wowace.com/addons/dr-damage/pages/known-issues Page before providing feedback!
DrDamage displays the calculated damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. The addon also adds various statistics to the tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar.
Slash Commands:
/drd or /drdmg or /drdamage
If you want to help having this addon translated into your language visit: http://www.wowace.com/projects/dr-damage/localization/
- Supports all classes
- Actionbar addons supported: Default, Bartender 4, CT_BarMod, Dominos, elvUI, Macaroon, Nurfed AB, IPopBar, nUI, ReAction Bars and RDX.
- Places text with the metric of your choosing on the actionbar buttons.
- Damage and healing statistics are placed into your tooltips. This includes for example critical hit chance, spell damage and damage coefficients, averages, DPS, DPSC (damage per seconds cast), damage until OOM and more!
- Your own buffs and your target's debuffs are taken into account.
- Allows manual modification of the essential talents, buffs and character stats used to calculate. For example you can test how much increasing your spellpower by 100 would increase your damage or healing output.
- If you're overwhelmed by the amount of statistics presented, you can use the options reduce the amount to whatever you feel is important!
Known Issues Please see the Known Issues page before opening a ticket.
Bug reports:
- NOTE: DETAILED reports about inaccuracies is the only way we'll know something is wrong. If you don't report it, don't expect it to get fixed!
To submit a bug report, please visit this page first: Mod Feedback This will tell you what we expect and how we need it in order to help you.
Acronym/abbreviation list:
- AP = Attack Power
- RAP = Ranged Attack Power
- SP = Spell Power
- Ht = Hit rating
- Cr = Critical strike rating
- Exp = Expertise rating
- Ha = Haste rating
- Ma = Mastery rating
- HPS/DPS = Healing/Damage Per Second
- HPSC/DPSC = Healing/Damage Per Seconds Casted
- HPSCD/DPSCD = Healing/Damage Per Seconds CoolDown
- HOOM/DOOM = Healing/Damage (until) Out of Mana
- HPM/DPM = Healing/Damage Per Mana
- DPE = Damage Per Energy
- DPF = Damage Per Focus
- DPR = Damage Per Rage
- DPRP = Damage Per Runic Power
- MPS = Mana Per Second (How much mana the spell uses per seconds casted)
- GCD = Global CoolDown
DR.damage doesn't seem to take into account the 10/20% extra crit from the holy talent Purifying Power on the tooltip.
All the DPS calculations are made assuming the spell is being spammed, reaching the maximum DPS value, which naturally in the case of Immolate is probably not the thing most people would do. In this situation though it's fairly correct to add direct-damage DPS and DoT DPS because eventually it will even out to the value calculated.
It might be worth adding a value giving the DPS value assuming it's only casted once to refresh the dot every 15 seconds to give a better representation of its use within a rotation. (here again, should we assume the recast is started at 13.5 seconds after the last one thereby always refreshing the dot without a 1.5s 'casting break'.. In the long run, imo, it's better to calculate this max DPS value than to include the 1.5s DoT starting delay into the value)
There's a few other hybrid spells this situation applies to as well. Moonfire (usually spammed though), Flamestrike (probably not spammed), Pyroblast, Holy Fire and Flame Shock (probably like immolate for mana efficiency)
What do you think?
I'm adding to the latest version (available at wowace) wand damage with the limitation that debuffs like CoS won't be included into the calculation because I don't have a good way of determining what the wand damage type is (I try to avoid scanning tooltips as much as possible).
Regarding the calculations for immolate:
Dot portion is 1088 dmg Nuke portion is 1639-1088 dmg
(1639-1088) / 1.5 + ( 1088 ) / 15 = 439.86 dps
Note the dot lasts 15 seconds, the nuke is 1.5s and not 2s.. and you need to count them separately.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I think there might be a mistake here.
First of all, I believe that adding the DPS between the direct-damage component and the DoT component implies that they are both happening at the same time, which is not the case. The direct damage part is cast, damage is done, THEN the dot starts after that. Adding the values assumes that both parts are being cast simultaneously and that the DoT starts instantly as soon as the spell begins casting, which is not how it works.
More importantly, while it may be true that the first part of immolate does a pretty good DPSC value, adding the direct-damge DPS to the DPS value of the DoT makes it seem as though the direct damage component is being -casted over and over continuously- in the time that the DoT is ticking. Obviously we would agree that the DD or 'up-front' damage is cast only once and not continuously. So the only question is over the interpretation of the math, I think :)
I believe the original commentator was onto something in suggesting that the DPS value was abnormally high.
DPS = (Total Damage) / (Cast Time + DoT Duration) DPSC = (Total Damage) / (Cast Time)
If I'm wrong maybe other readers can step in and help explain why. If I'm right, maybe the fan base can keep an eye out for any other places this mod might have made a similar error and help out by mentioning them. Many thanks to the author for working on this FANTASTIC mod.
On a totally separate note, I wonder if the mod takes into account the talent to reduce cast time on immolate. I will try to check :)
Is it possible to get this working on wands too? would be lovely to have the average damage on my wand button as well.
Great, thanks for that :-) Few things to note:
(Not sure if you need to factor these two in?):
I've added it to the latest version available from wowace. It is now visible in the tooltip as +n on the DPS line.
I'm not sure if I'm going to make a new release here before the 2.1.0 patch, so anyone wanting the latest version should use wowace (updated nearly daily).
Should be fixed in the latest version. See above.
No extra line, just add it to each spells' dps?
Is it called exactly 'Verbrennung' in german? (I assume you're using a german client, because it should work in the English one). If that's the case, I'll see if I can get it fixed (problem is that the translation seems the same as Combustion, and it's translated into Combustion and not Incinieration because Combustion is first in the alphabet).
Technically it would be easy just not sure what's the smartest way of displaying it without ruining the possibility to see the actual spell information at all times.. I'm not too eager to add a new tooltip line for a single item :)
Excellent mod. Any chance you might factor "The Lightning Capacitor" trinket into dps calcuations?
it seems to me that the crit-info tooltip ignores skilled incineration from the fire skilltree. the scorch and fireblast critrate should be 4% higher than the average fire-crittate when skilled.
anyway, thanks a lot for this great addon.
ye rank 10 and in the spell books theres one for 1-9 but not for rank 10 its strange and anoying kuz i wanna see how much damage they do but thats the only spell that does that...
That's rank 10 SW: P?
Is there any information in the spellbook tooltip? There's no apparent reason for why it wouldn't be working.
i was reading someone else was having this problem by my max shadow word pain isnt showing anything on my toolbar i am currently using batrenter3 but ye theres no damage on the button and the tooltip is the classic tool tip not the drdamage one kthnx
If you have three stacks of the debuff on you it will show that information. You can check it at that point. You think this is enough for your purposes?
Generally, I'm not too eager about creating exceptions for a single spell.
Would it be possible to add a option to show the into on arcane blast for (rank3) (when you have 3 stacks of the debuff). The main one I'm intrested is damage till oom, this would help alot on bosses and mobs when you know if you spam it till you go oom if that is enough to kill it.
v. 1.1.2
Hey Gagorian,
Great Mod!
After the last patch I am now getting this error:
Error: Deformat-2.0: Bad argument #2 to
I've been aware of that error for a while and I've fixed it in my release version on wowace, but it only occurs to a very small amount of people (why?) so it wasn't uploaded here.
Fix is included in latest version.
Not currently
any plans for hunter abilities?
It's awesome, seems pretty accurate for me ATM. I love it. I myself have a 70 priest and plan to have a 70 destruction warlock soon enough, all the information in the tooltips is awesome, I love how it also works on Power Word: Shield too, always wanted to know how much exactly it would absorb.