This is a point-and-click interface for managing healing or other assignments.
I developed it to handle healing assignments, but it is much more flexible than that.
I hope I got the usability right, but just in case: =)
How to use:
Open the board using /db.
Move players from your raid or custom assignments onto the drawing board. Then attach other players or custom frames to them.
Broadcasting a board currently takes the form
Prefix <assignment>: <assignee1>,<assignee1>, ...
Title, prefix and channel to broadcast are set in the board options. Setting no channel is for testing purposes.
new in 0.5: Boards are saved between sessions.
new in 0.6: You can share your board with all users of DB in your Raid. Modifications anyone makes are shared with everybody as well!
Please suggest more features and report bugs in the comments =)
Are you using CTRaid or ORA?
As soon as SimpleSoulstone works, I'll work on DrawingBoard =)
Hey, for some reason I went to test this out and i created a raid with me and one other outside of a raid instance and the players werent precreated on the right as you state. what am i doing wrong?
"As of now, only players in your raid are pre-created at the right side of the screen."
when i start addon with /db in raid, it will not show raid members on the right, they show only after i push delete board
Is it possible to add feature for asking for asingnements? Scenario: bob forget his assingnement, he write "/w alice assign" and he will get automatic reply from alice (she has drawingboard addon) with his assingnement... there was addon which already could do such healing assingnements and autoreply but it couldnt do custom tasks and its still not updated (heal organizer)