Traditional Chinese
All Namespaces
- ^A cloud of saronite vapors
- ^A shallow and tragic victory
- ^Be on the lookout! Mole machines
- ^Children, assist
- ^Cowardly dogs
- ^Don't say I didn't warn ya
- ^Empowered Flames speed
- ^Eonar, your servant
- ^Fire up the engines! We got
- ^Foolishly you have sought
- ^Give us a moment to
- ^Hailing from the deepest, darkest caverns of the Storm Peaks
- ^Harpoon Turret is ready
- ^Heroes, lend me your aid
- ^His hold on me dissipates
- ^Hostile entities detected. Threat assessment protocol active
- ^How fortuitous. Usually, I must leave my
- ^I am the light and the darkness!
- ^I am the lucid dream
- ^I have opened a portal into the Dream
- ^I have seen worlds bathed in the
- ^I'll keep you alive to witness the end, Fordring
- ^Impertinent
- ^Impossible!
- ^Interlopers! You mortals who
- ^It would appear that I've made a slight miscalculation
- ^Kor'kron, move out! Champions, watch your backs
- ^Let's get a move on then
- ^Look upon the true face
- ^Marines, Sergeants, attack
- ^Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark
- ^Move quickly
- ^My queen, they
- ^Now, feel my master's limitless power
- ^Portals open
- ^Preliminary testing phase complete
- ^Reavers, Sergeants, attack
- ^Relish this victory, mortals, for it will
- ^Rise up, sons and daughters of the
- ^Self%-destruct sequence initiated
- ^Shadows amass and swarm
- ^So the Light's vaunted justice has finally arrived
- ^Steel yourselves, heroes, for the twin terrors
- ^Teamanare shi rikk
- ^Thank you, friends!
- ^The air itself freezes with the introduction
- ^The Alliance falter
- ^The end is upon you
- ^The heavens burn!
- ^The illusion shatters and a path
- ^The orbiting spheres pulse with
- ^The Scourge will wash over this world
- ^The swarm of the elements
- ^The time for practice is over!
- ^The time to strike at the head of the beast
- ^This place will serve as
- ^Very well. Warriors of the frozen wastes, rise up!
- ^We haven't much time, friends
- ^What is this disturbance
- ^WONDERFUL! Positively
- ^You will find only suffering
- ^Your incursion ends here
- Algalon the Observer
- Anub'arak
- Anub'Rekhan
- Archavon
- Auriaya
- begins to grow!$
- Blazing Skeleton
- blinks away
- Blood Princes
- Bomb Bot
- burrows into the ground!$
- Citadel
- Coliseum
- Crusher Tentacle
- Deathbound Ward
- Deathspeaker High Priest
- Deathwhisper
- deep
- deep breath
- deep breath...$
- Emalon
- emerges from the ground!$
- Eonar's Gift
- Faction Champions
- Father was right about you, Sartharion, you ARE a weakling.
- Feed you to master!
- Feral Defender
- Festergut
- fixes his eyes on you!$
- Flame Leviathan
- Freya
- Gas Cloud
- General Vezax
- Gluth
- Gothik the Harvester
- Grand Widow Faerlina
- Grobbulus
- grounded permanently!$
- Gunship Battle
- Halion
- Heigan the Unclean
- Hodir
- I am released from his grasp
- I had hoped to end your lives quickly
- I will take pity on you, Sartharion, just this once
- Icecrown Citadel
- Ignis the Furnace Master
- Instructor Razuvious
- It is amusing to watch you struggle. Very well, witness how it is done.
- Kalimdor
- Kel'Thuzad
- Kologarn
- Koralon
- Lana'thel
- lava surrounding
- Left Arm
- lets out a bellowing roar!$
- Lich King
- lifts
- Loatheb
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Maexxna
- Malygos
- Marrowgar
- Mimiron
- Mistress of Pain
- Naxxramas
- Northrend
- Northrend Beasts
- Noth the Plaguebringer
- Onyxia
- Onyxia's Lair
- overloads
- Patchwerk
- Power Spark
- Precious
- pursues
- Putricide
- Razorscale
- Right Arm
- Rotface
- Sapphiron
- Saronite Animus
- Saronite Vapor
- Sartharion
- Saurfang
- Shadron
- Shambling Horror
- Sindragosa
- Stalagg crush you!
- Stay your arms
- Stinky
- teleports back into battle
- teleports to the balcony
- Tenebron
- Thaddius
- The Eye of Eternity
- The Four Horsemen
- The Iron Council
- The Obsidian Sanctum
- The Ruby Sanctum
- Thorim
- Toravon
- Trial of the Crusader
- Twin Val'kyr
- Ulduar
- Valithria
- Val'kyr
- Vault of Archavon
- Vesperon
- Volatile Ooze
- XT-002 Deconstructor
- Yogg-Saron