EasySerum is an addon to help you do the daily quest Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice in Zul'Drak which gives Argent Crusade reputation.
When Alchemist Finklestein whispers you the name of an item to find, such as "Pickled Eagle Egg", the addon will print a message that says "Pickled Eagle Egg: Right side, Case 1, Row 2, Item 2".
EasySerum avoids the top row of shelves which are inaccessible. Also, this prefers the right side (when looking at the cauldron from the entrance) - since this is nearest to Finklestein's Cauldron. Cases and Items are numbered left-to-right and Rows are numbered top-to-bottom.
Simple and effective, no more alt-tabbing to wowhead for this quest.
Important Note: This addon currently only works in English, German, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Russian, French and Spanish.
1) Install this addon
2) Remember that as you walk in the building towards the quest giver LEFT is to the left and RIGHT is to the right as you walk in.
3) Get ready to fail the first time and maybe the next couple as per learning curve to figure out what addon is telling you. Some will get it on first try others may take a few tries.
4) The case count is clockwise and the first one to the left as you walk into the section where the cases are at.
5) Rows are from the top to the bottom.
6) Items are from left to right as you look at the case.
Hope this info is useful to some and to the creator of this addon THANK YOU 8-).
The problem is that French add a space before the exclamation sign (and any "double punctuation" (ie. ; : and ! ) for that matter), so your gsub() pattern is incorrect for us. Also note that this extra space should be a non-breakable space. However, I'm unsure if WoW use a regular space or a nbsp in this case - I do know it uses nbsp's on a few occasions, like recipes names for example.
The only thing I'd change is to make the text pop in the middle of the screen, like the quest text does. However, this is a very minor issue.
Please use the following text instead of the old one:
L["Chilled Serpent Mucous"] = "Gekühlter Schlangenschleim"
L["Crystallized Hogsnot"] = "Kristallisierte Wildschweinschnauze"
As it is, every reported "wrong location" that I've investigated is a user error, where he/she failed to count case 1-2-3-4 from LEFT to RIGHT, on both sides. The common user error is where he counted case 4-3-2-1 on the LEFT side, where the user assumed case 1 is the nearest case.
LEFT = left side (looking at quest giver from entrance)
RIGHT = right side (looking at quest giver from entrance)
I don't know how people can get that wrong too, but I've seen people confuse left and right as well.
For the left side items, you probably mis-counted the cases, as there is a case on the extreme left, and the nearest case is case 4. There is no issue with the addon, unless you aren't on an English server, and different locales have different positioning?
All i can say is at least someones coded something that stopped me from banging my head against a wall with this quest.