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UploadedJul 15, 2009
Size14.96 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
2009-07-16 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
[e264534151e4] [tip]
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4.1-beta3 for changeset de5b47fd1187
[de5b47fd1187] [v0.4.1-beta3]
* EggTimer.lua
- experimentally schedule in a delay for each server item request
- working so far for items from other toons, current toon case needs testing
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4.1-beta2 for changeset 138166246b5e
[138166246b5e] [v0.4.1-beta2]
* EggTimer.lua
- another spot where server queries are needed
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4.1-beta for changeset 81f6cecf61ee
[81f6cecf61ee] [v0.4.1-beta]
* EggTimer.lua ItemDB.lua
- server is queried for item when tracing an end item to its start item
- simple fix but needs wider testing
2009-07-13 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4 for changeset b892f1ffca35
[b892f1ffca35] [v0.4]
* EggTimer.lua
- it has been far too long without a decent Release version
- use plain item name (not link) in the tooltip
- minor issue with Consortium at the moment, but addon is otherwise in very good shape
2009-07-11 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4-beta4 for changeset 117aa600d0a2
[117aa600d0a2] [v0.4-beta4]
* EggTimer.lua ItemDB.lua
- thankyou Eniac73: Disgusting Jar and Mysterious Egg now last 6 days and 20 hours
- thankyou Demonica: silly typo when receiving an "end item"
2009-07-09 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4-beta3 for changeset 2a9b63d10db8
[2a9b63d10db8] [v0.4-beta3]
* EggTimer.lua
- fix silly typo regarding data broker text updating
2009-07-07 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4-beta2 for changeset 3df1a0712741
[3df1a0712741] [v0.4-beta2]
* EggTimer.lua
- correctly cull expired item data from saved variables
2009-07-02 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* .hgtags:
Added tag v0.4-beta for changeset b365abc8053c
[b365abc8053c] [v0.4-beta]
* EggTimer.lua
- tradeskill cooldowns are on their way (but not yet working)
- there are some bugs with detecting consortium stuff
- everything else should be working and working well
2009-06-29 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* EggTimer.lua
- tooltip display problems fixed, except for the clipping
* EggTimer.lua
- basic tooltip functions work again, but formatting is slightly incorrect :S
* CalendarPrompt.lua EggTimer.lua
- fixed minor errors preventing basic operation of rewritten code
- TODO: add options for controlling Consortium display
2009-06-28 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* EggTimer.toc ItemDB.lua SpellDB.lua
- added EndItem and StartItem info to ItemDB.lua
- added new DB for spells (only has Smelt Titansteel, for now)
* CalendarPrompt.lua CalendarPrompt.xml EggTimer.lua
- XML definition of calendar prompt appears to be working
2009-06-25 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* CalendarPrompt.lua CalendarPrompt.xml EggTimer.lua EggTimer.toc options.lua
- moved options code back into main .lua (massive headache for little benefit)
- code now starts without errors, further testing required
- still lots of work to do
* EggTimer.lua
- fixed type that creeped in /sigh
* EggTimer.lua EggTimer.toc options.lua
- fixed ordering of options code
* EggTimer.lua
- fixed a type with the calendar prompt queue
* CalendarPrompt.lua CalendarPrompt.xml EggTimer.lua EggTimer.toc Locales/deDE.lua Locales/enUS.lua Locales/esES.lua Locales/esMX.lua Locales/frFR.lua Locales/koKR.lua Locales/ruRU.lua Locales/zhCN.lua Locales/zhTW.lua options.lua
- this version is very likely broken
- ticket 9: consortium gem pouches are now tracked
- ticket 5: savedvariables now reorganised (you will lose your current EggTimer data)
- ticket 8: expiries no longer trigger the removal of non-expired entries
- ticket 4: FuBar support has gone the way of the dodo, /bye
- frame setup for calendar prompt now performed in XML
- localization has begun
- options broken out into separate .lua file
- tooltip layout now very similar to SavedInstances' tooltip
2009-06-24 jokeyrhyme <jokeyrhyme>
* .pkgmeta:
- embed LibSink-2.0 correctly
* .pkgmeta:
- okay, LibDBIcon-1.0 embedded properly for sure this time :)
* .pkgmeta:
- embed LibDBIcon-1.0 correctly (hopefully)
* .pkgmeta:
- don't embed/fetch LibBars-1.0 in .pkgmeta just yet