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UploadedJan 10, 2010
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
tag v1.0
Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
2010-01-10 16:22:02 -0800
Tagging as release 1.0
- Fixed raid summary always showing the inspecting only in an instance message
- Fixed error when clicking on player names through raid rating
- Fixed party notes not resetting data if you queued with a group
- Fixed issues with raid notes and scrolling
- Pruned users are set to the first row of the suggested dungeons
- Changed coloring of suggested dungeons so it's relative to the players average item level
- Party summary now shows the party members assigned role where level used to be
- Added a red "[!]" next to enchant/gem info tooltip for specific items if something is wrong with them
- Reflagged Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond as allowed for Discipline Priests, but bad for everyone else
- Cleaned up item detection code a bit
- Added a caster-spirit flag for any items with Spirit, Shamans or Paladins using Spirit will now be flagged as bad
- Resto Shamans and Holy Paladins are now classified as MP5 healers
- Added another ~200 unit tests
- Updated unit tests
- Updated unit tests
- Added /eg rate, works the same as /rate just another alias for it
- Tweaked party notes to account for rating being moved
- Added raid notes, works the same as party notes but with a specific interface for supporting 10-25 people, use /rate to open
- Changed raid summary to inspect in an instance only, rather than being locked to raid instances
- Added the ability to create a core table with data rather than a unit
- Line break fix
- Notes can now be edited or added for players through /eg
- Updating to force repackage to fix localization bug
- Fixed error when using the raid summary
- Testing if git still works
- Added raid notes file just so there are no errors
- Visual tweaks to the raid summary layout
- Added a status text to the top left indicating how many people are waiting to be inspected
- Fixed buttons except name having pushed offsets
- Removed position in queue identifiers as they are inaccurate now
- Improved the inspect queue, should be much faster now especially when some units are out of range
- You can now toggle the detailed user frame by clicking on the names in the summaries
- Added override for Greater Inscription of the Gladiator, now a tank/pvp enchant
- Fixed ElitistGroup.lua:47 error when clicking a loading player through the summary
- Fixed ordering to prevent trinkets with armor penetration on them being flagged as a tank item
- Updated unit tests
- Fixed error when mousing over LDB plugin
- Moved group_notes.lua -> party_notes.lua in preparation for setting notes on raid
- Mousing over experience for dungeons will give you a full report of their experience, how many times they have killed what boss and what achievements they have. This only shows the stats/achievements that are used for calculating experience
- Changed summary to only show if you are in a raid or party, not sure if this will stay as-is or it'll be moved back to raid instance only
- Removed "More Dots" from achievement list for Onyxia 10/25
- Fixed The Twilight Zone for 25-man Sartharion being the 10-man version
- Moved data tables to be loaded as needed rather than all the time
- Refactored a lot of the data tables into their own areas so it's not just a mass of using the ElitistGrooup namespace, more to come
- Renamed data.lua -> talent_data.lua game restart required
- Updated tests
- Fixed certain stats not being recorded such as Falric kills in Halls of Reflection
- Talent types for enchants are now cached by enchant id rather than the item id + enchant id to improve caching
- Updated unit tests
- Added LibDataBroker-1.1 plugin, mouseover the warglaive icon for info on how to use it
- Fixed old addon prefix being sent, corrected to send as ELITG now
- Fixed duplicate AceEvent-3.0 references
- Removed usage of AceTimer-3.0 from syncing
- Embedded LibDataBroker-1.1
- Removed AceLocale-3.0 and AceTimer-3.0 embeds
- Fixed AceDBOptions-3.0 not being embedded
- Added Libram of Obstruction (tank)
- Tweaked ordering a bit more, should solve hit enchants and gems being flagged as healer/dps instead of tank/dps
- Added another 500 tests
- Updated toc and .pkgmeta
- Added Executioner as a DPS enchant
- Added Tome of the Lightbringer as a tank libram
- Fixed a few more bugs with trinket detection for physical trinkets
- Added an unit test for gear/enchants/gems so I can quickly check to see if changes break detection
- Changed tooltips around, the item info tooltip is the primary and above the cursor, the item itself is to the right now
- Fixed override for Blood Draining, now tank/pvp
- Added another match for "ranged critical strike" to properly identify the +40 Ranged Critical Strike scope
- Added armor as an allowed enchant for tanks
- Fixed cache issues with gems and enchants not properly being identified
- Changed experience structure, it's now 5-man dungeons, 10 man raids, 25 man raids, heroic 10 man raids, heroic 25 man raids
- Fixed being able to click on random dungeon names in the experience tag to toggle categories open/close
- Fixed errors in raid summary when viewing someone who has a rating
- Fixed errors when sorting by bad equipment, enchants or gems
- Added sorting to the database list, it will now prioritize yourself and your group showing them at the top of the list
- Fixed error when clicking on the players name in the party summary before they loaded
- Added gear requests when opening party or raid summaries to speed up getting gear, only works for other EG users
- Added Purified Shard of the Flame as a caster flag, need to add something to bad flag X unless Y is also equipped
- Added Althor's Abacus as a healer item
- Added more text searches for trinkets, should improve the accuracy of detecting what kind of item trinkets with procs based on damage/spells/etc are
- Fixed heirlooms modifying the quality twice
- Fixed Heirlooms being considered a level 1 item rather than the level of the player wearing it
- Fixed saving of people from other servers being on by default
- Moved user info frame to top level too so you can click it and bring it to focus
- Added position in inspect queue to the players name in party and raid summaries, as well as a tooltip indicating it's for the inspect queue
- Added the ability to click the player names in the summaries to popup their full character info
- Moved the summaries to top level so you can click them to bring the window into "focus"
- More localization file tweaking
- Added singular/plural form for "%d notes found"
- Tweaked localization script a little bit
- Moved summary and users to use the |4singular:plural; form of text
- Tweaked flags for localization a bit more
- Removed Frag Belt override, belts are never checked for enchants anyone so it wasn't used
- Updated localizations to the final format for localization!
- More tweaking, let's see if I can get this right
- Moved to using the localization system, commiting so I can see if this breaks
- Added base files for all the other localizations
- Added manual override of tank/dps for Libram of Valiance
- Removed the debug localization script
- And updated again so it'll pull slug urls from the git config file
- Updated localizer script so it can scan through files, compile it all and upload it to the curse localization site
- Added manual overrides for the Darkmoon Card: Greatness trinkets
- Added safe matching for stats such as MP5 or ranged attack power that were using special characters
- Added localization specific tags for helpful spell/harmful spell/attack, downside is this will require localization to get the most accurate trinket classification, but it's not required
- Fixed reference to SexyGroup in the data files
- Changed "Just now" text to "<1 minute old" for scan age
- Redid stat detection for trinkets/gems/enchants, should reduce bad trinket flagging such as Needle-Encrusted Scorpion
- Localization update
- Fixed line breaks getting messed up in party summary
- Added raid summary, only works inside a raid instance and you use /eg summary to pop it up. Shows a scrollable and sortable list of your raid, if they pass/don't pass, average rating, average item level and such
- Fixed party summary showing the wrong height/width when used with <4 people in a group
- Fixed party summary showing loading for gems/enchants even after data is available
- Fixed party summary text being intractable
- Removed score from the average item level of players gear and increased font size
- Fixed a dash showing up for T7 raids
- Fixed player info text reacting to clicks despite the fact that they do not do anything
- Added sorting for inspection, whoever is within range will be queued first to speed it up (hopefully!)
- When the player enters combat, queue processing is paused until the player leaves combat
- Fixed /rate not showing any players if used while you only have 3 people in a party
- Added /eg send <name> sends your gear to <name> so they do not have to request (or inspect you), they will need Elitist Group to see the gear you sync
- Fixed command casing for successful gear sync
- Fixed comm messages being sent even while comms are disabled
- Cleaned up the notes request, gear sending, gear request code
- TOC update to reflect change in summary
- Added the ability to disable saving of data from people on another server from you, this will wipe any notes or ratings you have on them as well
- Localization update
- Changed trinket detection, the last Equip/Use/Proc text found will always be scanned for stats now since some items have haste/crit and then a melee or caster specific effect
- Experimenting with equipment display changes, removed the checkmark/X for gear, instead coloring the text red if it's invalid, changed to showing the item level if there are no enhancement issues with an item
- Fixed spacing for the database, players name won't go outside the frame
- Achievement comparison window will not respond to inspect talent events when EG is sending a scan, this will stop errors related to Blizzard_AchievementUI when the comparison window is open while EG is running
- People you are currently grouped with will have a "[Group]" tag to the left of their name in the database browser now
- Fixed total bad gems for item specific tooltips always showing 0
Fixed the more specific details on what is bad not showing up for the last item of the tooltip batch
- Fixed instance name showing up incorrectly for /rate
- Tweaked the failed to find data messages for gems and tooltips
- Localization update
- Fixed instance name being set at the wrong time causing it to list your previous zone, rather than the actual instance
- Flagged Accuracy (enchant id 3788) as a valid tank enchant
- Localization update
- Fixed bugs related to the summary
- Localization update
- Fixed slash commands
- Localization update
- One more rename! Elitist Group is more ironic
- Made the enhancement text lighter since it's not always going to be shown now
- Changed enhancement text to only show up if something is wrong with a gem or enchant, otherwise it will center the item type text
- Switched group summary to using actual textures for icons, as the embedded ones are too buggy
- Localization update
- Fixed leaked global
- Renamed to Simple Group, bit less of a bad name to Google and such
- Added another function to give detailed item enhancement information for tooltips
- Moved to showing details on the specific item enhancements instead of a global icon as slot #18, slot #18 is now the overall score
- Ulduar 10 and 25 man are now flagged as normal/hard mode rather than normal/heroic
- Flat 87% modifier was a little bit too loose, it's been tweaked to: 89% base, 10/25 mans are +1% and 10/25 heroic/hard are another +1%, working out to 89% (5 mans), 90% (10/25 normal), 91% (10/25 heroic/hard)
- Redid enchant detection, using Hearthstones as the base template and will put an enchant on them. Will give us more reliable detection of enchants without having to sort through the wacky-ness that is item tooltips
- Localization update
- Fixed text wrapping in summary
- Setting a comment then deleting it will set it to no comment correctly
- Removed the belt buckle logic for now, it's not accurate enough
- Localization update
- Redid group notes again, only recording data if you are in a party instance or you manually type /rate
- Party data should correctly be saved even if someone leaves now, and it won't save data on "Unknown" players
- Summary will now only run if you are in a party instance
- Feral tanks can now equipment pvp gear without triggering failures, as some pieces or pvp enchants can be quite good for them
- Fixed errors when pruning data
- Changed basic pruning mechanics, if the player has no notes then everything is removed, if they have notes then talents, experience and equipment data is removed
- Fixed errors related to user data being pruned
- Updated tooltip for prune basic to reflect changes in how it works
- Changed summary to indicate you can't open it unless you are in a party instance
- Changed /sg, now it will give you feedback if you can't inspect someone due to range and it will indicate if an inspection is pending and it can't inspect the person
- If inspection fails on an unit, cached data will be pulled up on them
- Reduced queue retry time to 2 seconds
- Reduced inspection timeout to 2 seconds
- Changed gem checking, after 4 seconds or the unit becomes invalid it will stop looking for gems to have been loaded
- Fixed summary updating even if the frame was hidden, unnecessary as it gets updated when it shows
- Group data will be recorded as soon as you enter, so if somebody leaves before you type /rate you'll still be able to rate them
- Summary window won't pop up if roles change while you are in combat
- Fixed queue being started 4 times, should have only started once
- Added a check for belt buckles, because Blizzard does not specifically return this data it's possible for someone to have a belt buckle, but not have it socketed, and the tooltip reflects htis
- Localization update
- Localization update
- Fixed leaked global
- Updated SafeEncode to exit if text is nil
- Fixed scan age icons, will change icons correctly based on how old the scan is again
- Changed notes tooltip, now shows the roles the commenter has seen the person on
- Updated note syncing to reflect that a comment does not have to be set
- Summary will show what you rated somebody instead of just telling you to mouseover them if you have a note on the player
- Changed rating, you can now leave notes/rate people who are kicked or leave a dungeon early
- If you have already seen someone, your last note/rating will now be shown
- When no note is left, it will default to no comment and use whatever rating you set (default 3), warning message updated to reflect this
- Fixed resizing of the rating frame to handle more than 4 people if necessary
- Fixed data not being scanned on inspect if the unit already has the core data setup, fixes gear not being updated
- Fixed pass/totalBad flags not being updated if somebody was missing an enchant
- Fixed flagging on a few summary tooltips so they don't wrap
- Fixed /sg summary not showing the summary frame after it's been opened once
- Fixed coloring for summary notes, forgot to add the |, oops!
- Given that the order goes enchants -> gems for summary, it makes more sense to show enchant then gem tooltips
- When using two tooltips to show enchant/gem info, the primary one will align to the right to prevent the secondary one from clipping
- Fixed total database rows, should have been reduced to 18
- Fixed coloring for notes, tooltip is now gold for general info, white for the note itself
- Added field for note limit
- If a gem or enchant is missing, the specific item in question is now shown rather than a vague description
- Only one item will show up as failing for a gem or enchant, no more 3 failings if all 3 socketed gems are bad
- Localization update
- Note lengths are hard capped at 256 characters when receiving them through syncing
- Fixed casing on "Always Bad"
- Tweaked frame level of the database frame so I don't have to worry about clipping with the main frame
- Added summary module, allows you to quickly see the general gear/enchant/gem/talent setup of your group. Automatically inspects everyone when you first enter a dungeon through the Looking for Dungeon system, type /sexygroup summary to show or go to the configuration to make it auto show when zoning in
- Fixed /sg summary giving an error, should probably return
- Added a database search, appears on the top of the database listing frame searches the full name meaning it will search the server as well
- On second though, reverted back to 87% modifier
- When no gem data is found, a yellow question mark will be shown indicating the user either has no gems socketed, or gem data has not loaded yet, only shows if empty sockets are found
Fixed user info page not hiding when ESC is pressed
Fixed hit box of the database opener/closer when it was closed
Moved to another position table, will reset your user info page position this one time
- You can no longer send notes on yourself
Notes from the player you want notes on are now silently dropped
Silently dropping gear data if we already have trusted information on the person, and it's less than 10 minutes old
- Instance name will be saved when the rate window initially opens, so if you open it after zoning out it won't say you were in another zone
- Upped max retries for queue to 20, works out to 60 seconds before it gives pu
People with an "Unknown" name will not be inspected
- Added auto summary option, will popup the summary automatically when entering a dungeon via LFD
Added auto notes option, requests notes on people in your dungeon if you are in a guild (Once per person, per session)
Added /sexygroup summary, manually opens the summary window
- Moved gem and enchant tooltip creation to its own function as the summary will want it too
Added flags if no data was returned on equipment/gems/enchants
- Updated TOC note to be more descriptive
- Reduced dungeon suggested to 86%, from 87%
- Removed question.mp3 since moving it didn't seem to kill the original copy
- Localization update
- Added default so database viewer is expanded to start
- Player viewer position is now saved when dragging (Right click + drag to reset)
- Moved the database viewer to it's own side panel, you can click the little tab on the right side to open/close it, stolen from LightHeaded
- Added media/ folder, moved question sound there
- Fixed old slider labels showing if they were recycled from being used by another addon
- Moved gear/gem/enchant checks to their own function so party/raid summary can be added
Added quality checking for gems, currently only used for epic items which require blue or higher quality gems
Changed the average item level to purely be average item level with quality modifiers, no fancy averages if the person is using a main hand and an offhand
- Flagged ranged weapons as unenchantable by all classes except Hunters
Moved Titanium Weapon Chain to a tank or pvp classification, rather then pvp only
- Redid the gem and enchant tooltips, they now list by item what is wrong with them rather than by enchant/slot type
If the combined lines of the gem and enchant tooltip exceeds 10 lines, they will be split into two separate tooltips to make it easy to read
- Fixed a bug causing gear to not show up unless you inspected twice
- AceTimer-3.0 is too much of a hassle to use, stripped it and using a manual timer, will stop too many timers running warnings
Added all of the inspect queuing code in
Redid gem rechecking code, will only queue items to be rechecked if their total empty sockets does not match the number of used sockets indicated in the item link
- Fixed ratings not being saved unless you don't rate someone 3 or you select another value then 3
- Switched back to checking the entire link when looking at empty gem sockets, otherwise it will bug out when checking items with additional sockets such as from a belt buckle
- Fixed a bug in the scrapper causing it to strip whitespace when it shouldn't
- Reran localization scrapper