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UploadedJan 12, 2010
Size268.27 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
- Tweaked a bit more, scan disabled in combat and mouseover or target units will respect the inspection throttle
- Drycode fix, forcibly disable scanning of inspect while in combat to stop lag from mods that like to spam inspection on mouseover
- Tanking Death Knights are now allowed to wear any physical dps, dps or melee dps weapons without being red flagged
- Fixed trinket detection for Spirit trinkets with Spirit on them but not Spell Power (Spirit-World Glass/etc)
- Fixed items with armor penetration and defense being flagged as a DPS item, should be flagged as tank
- Moved Death Knights to their own tanking category, no visual changes from this
- Updated unit tests, added another 250 tests
- Added support for allowing certain item types per spec/slot
- Added another set of checks that I can use for determining types
- Fixed inspect window data showing up when changing tabs
- Fixed inspect data being shown before it was fully loaded
- Fixed total notes indicator always showing 0 or 1
- Auto popup of party notes is delayed until you drop combat
- Flexweave Underlay reflagged to Physical (All) rather than only DPS
- Rating no longer pops up by default, /eg config to turn it back on
- Icewalker classified as an enchant for everyone
- Fixed items like Darkmoon Card: Vengeance being flagged as a caster dps item instead of a tank item
- Trying a fix for a c-stack overflow if a bad table is returned
- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (90 Spirit) is now flagged as a Caster (Spirit) item
- Fixed inspect.lua:186 error if no enchants are found
- Fixed Integrade typo in configuration
- STR/STA hybrid gems are now classified as melee and won't be red flagged if a tank wears them
- Armsman (10 parry/+2% threat) is now flagged as never
- Updated unit tests