Elitist Group
Elitist Group's goal is to shift focus away from single scores which don't tell you anything about the users choice of gear. Instead of a single score, Elitist Group shows you a variety of data from the players experience per dungeons and raid (can be broken down by boss), to whether their choice of equipment, enchants or gems fit their spec. You can still see the players average item level as well, but it's not the primary focus and only there to give you an idea of a players gear.
All user data will be compressed on logout to keep the database size more manageable. However, a variety of database management options are included to delete data after a certain period of time, or not save data on people from another server.
Interested in people being able to see your mains experience or request your data, but don't want the entire addon? Take a look at Elitist Group Sender, which does nothing more than respond to experience or data requests.
Slash command: /elitistgroup (/eg) use /eg help for a list of slash commands.
Bugs? Suggestions? Items flagged wrong?
Easiest way to report anything is through the ticket tracker. Should you be reporting an item being flagged incorrectly, make sure you include as much details as to why it's wrong.
How are items categorized?
Based on stats. Spell Power is a caster item, Hit is for DPS, Strength is only for melee dps, Defense for tanks and so on. As you can see in the screenshots, you are given what an items type is. Whether an item is allowed or not is based on spec, meaning Holy Paladins will be flagged for wearing Retribution gear, but a Retribution Paladin will not.
If somebody is missing an enchant or gem, Elitist Group will also tell you that.
To speed up checking out your raid or dungeon group, you can use /eg summary. It will quickly inspect everyone in your group and give you a summarized report on the status of their gear, enchants and gems.
Player notes
Finished a dungeon, was your tank amazing? Notes will allow you to rate him 1 - 5 and leave a comment for future reference, these can even be synced between your friends or guild. You can leave one note per person, with your most recent note being used. Use /eg rate to open this.
Dungeon experience
Quickly see how much experience a player has in a particular dungeon or raid, broken down by hard modes and even by pass. For raids, players are experienced after roughly 3 clears and for 5 mans it's around 6 (combined runs, not 6 of each). The scoring is setup to reward full clears. That way, somebody who can only clear the first 4 bosses of 25-man Trial of the Grand Crusader will have to do a lot more clears to be considered experienced, compared to the person who can full clear it.
To make it easier on players, achievements are factored into the experienced weighting. For example, A Tribute to Insanity and The Immortal will count for a full clear. Even doing 25-man Uldaur hard mods will increase your 25-man Ulduar normal mode experience.
No reason your alt should be left out of the fun because you haven't done a dungeon on the character yet. As of v1.5, you can setup a character as your main and whenever people request your data in Elitist Group they will see your mains experience. No more being left out because of an inexperienced alt!
Item level
To stop 200 item level blues being worth the same as 200 item level epics, simple modifiers are applied to item level based on quality: -0% epic, -5% blue, -10% green, -40% white, -50% grey. Heirlooms are considered 187 item level blues at 80, or 2.22 item level/per player level.
Suggested dungeons are the lowest item dropped -11% for 5-mans, -10% for normal 10 and 25 mans and a -9% modifier for heroic 10 and 25 mans.
Addon communication
Notes and player data can be synced. Players can request your gear or notes at any time; however, you can disable all communications entirely so you will not send or parse to them. Finer control over what channels to monitor is also included in /eg config, you can set it to not listen for gear requests from party or raid, but still in guild.
While in combat, you will not send or parse comm messages.
To prevent people from corrupting your database, Elitist Group will not accept other players gear data unless the player themselves sent it (Johnny can send his gear data, Steve cannot send Johnny's unless Steve is on your trusted list).
As of v1.5, more complicated syncing has been added to allow you to send your entire user or notes database, see here for information.
- If you use /eg to inspect someone and you are throttled and don't have data, you'll get a message indicating you have X seconds until inspections are enabled
is there an option to disable said message that i mightve missed, or any plan to add one ?
i am aware its caused by my tooltip mod inspecting ppl for their talents, however i have no real desire to get spammed by the timer every time i mouse over someone
NOTE: Blizzard is going to start throttling inspect requests with the next rolling restarts. I'll be pushing an update to EG with the new throttle once the number is figured out.
The main impact of this is group inspects will be slower. Hopefully the throttle is only 3-5 seconds, but will have to wait and see.
I'll also be pushing out the Ruby Sanctum info with the update for next week when it's opened.
I don't remember which of these I've responded to, so I'll just go over them again:
pgriff91: Thanks for the comments! The translation doesn't have to be perfect, even if you can help translate a few phrases that would be great.
saecula: Sorting's been changed to prioritize those without data. The point of experience is quite literally what it describes, it's not supposed to show you every single kill or achievement as that is far too much information to show people. If you want to see a breakdown, mouseover the percents, both EA and EG have always done this. Inspection is as fast as it's going to get, it won't get faster unless Blizzard changes something.
In general, please direct feedback/suggestions/whatnot to http://getsatisfaction.com/elitistarmory not here.
The scanning process for the summary could probably be faster. I am guessing you are querying achievements during this process, and that makes it take around a second or two per person. If you just looked at equipment only, which is all you're showing in the summary anyway, it could be almost instant.
Got some feedback about about the Elitist Armoury website, are you planning on adding the recommended raids to it? The scale from red to green that shows if a person's gear level is appropriate for a certain instance.
Also, the way you show raid experience could be a little better I think. If I'm coming here to check on a player, that's one of the most important things I want to see, and you force me to hover over a percentage to see what I want. The way wow-heroes shows it, by comparison, is a lot easier to scan.
The whole percentage score there seems arbitrary to me, as well. I mean, when I'm forming a pug for ICC if I go to Elitist Armory I see a score of 3% for someone and it looks bad, but if I go to wow-heroes I can see right away that they've cleared first wing 2 or 3 times and given that 9 out of 10 pugs aren't going to go past first wing anyway, that's a perfectly fine amount of experience. However, the same score of 3% experience in ToC would be pretty bad. And anyone who's actually gone past the first wing in ICC even once would be valued much much more than someone who's done first wing 10 times. Showing the full breakdown is simply a much better indicator of experience than a single percentage score, in my opinion. The percentage score might be good for a quick "at a glance" figure you could add to a tooltip in-game, but you have space on the website so why not use it.
Anyway, I really like what you're doing so far. Matching spec with gear/gems/enchants I think is very important, but I still find myself using wow-heroes for the reasons I mentioned. If you improved on those features I would switch to Elitist Armoury 100%.
Hi I'm working on the Latin American Spanish localization for your addon. Spanish is my second language, and I'm not really fluent in it, but I know enough to play WoW in it and I have horde toons on Ragnaros. If you don't mind I'll continue to do my best with it, and I'll see if I can contact some friends on Ragnaros and see if they'll pay your addon a visit to help with localization and perhaps clean up any errors I might've made XD.
If you can keep an updated version on curse(since I run client) and continue to advertise it. This really seems a great deal better than gearscore, which plagues every WoW server. I'd really like to see people start looking at me for more than some 4 digit number that doesn't really speak much for me.
Btw I like your unit frames =)
Got a question about the summary window, why do you only allow it to inspect in an instance? If I'm forming a raid or if I join one already formed, I would like to see everybody's gear while we're hanging around in Dalaran, before we all head out.
Also, the inspect queue seems like it could be a little smarter. Most of the time, I start a summary and it'll get around 20 out of the 25 people, some are out of range, some haven't zoned in.. so I close it and start it again a few minutes later, and it re-inspects the ones it already has, and the last few are left to last, which takes a while to get to. Can you make start on people who haven't yet been checked? I have the option "Always process group queues" on, but I can't see that it actually does anything.
Not right now, I'm not sure if I want to add that to EG.
Would there be any way to get a flag for people who are using proper gems, but are blue instead of epic? When you're over a certain gear level (the person I was inspecting was in ICC10 gear) you really shouldn't be gemming rare gems anymore.
Alright so as the previous screenshot indicated, I've been porting Elitist Group to a website. Once Elitist Armory (Creative I know!) is out of alpha, I'll be adding a lot more tie ins with Elitist Group.
Keep in mind, this is alpha, it's going to have bugs and isn't perfect: http://elitistarmory.com/
No website
Is that an in-game screenshot? Looks very sexy.
Some things to come: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2680/4374234648_c876fbab48_o.png
For the inspect window, you're out of luck. I don't really have time (or motivation) to sort through someone elses code to make the inspection feature work.
It breaks it up, so if you have 20% experience in Icecrown Citadel on your alt and 100% experience on your main. When your main is inspected, people see "100%", on your alt they see "100% | 20%". I haven't added cumulative experience for sanity right now, it's something I'm thinking about adding thought.
I have a query about the main/alt experience feature. In game, the text in the configuration window says that when people inspect my alt, they will see the experience of both my main and my alt. On this page, you write that when people inspect my alt, they will see the experience of the main (with no mention of the alt's experience). Which is it? If I have run a raid 5 times on my main and once on my alt, what will people see when they inspect my alt? 6 total, or 5? If it is 6 in total, then this actually makes my alt look more experienced than my main, who will only show 5 runs. Why do you not just combine all the experience across all characters? For example, I have 4 80s that I regularly raid with, it would be nice if I could show my cumulative experience no matter who I play.
I use the Examiner addon for inspecting players, so nothing from EG shows up in that window. Is there any way to make these two addons work together, or am I going to have to pick one or the other?
laeha: It's not really something I can do easily. You can already see someones secondary spec, so you can at least ask. I might add it eventually, but need a good way of handling it.
kaamel: If you do /eg on your main or alt, you can access it through the DB. But I don't plan on adding more support beyond that right now.
Are you planning on adding dual spec support ? as a Healer and DPS palyer it would be nice that if somone request my info that I send both sepces with the appropriate enchanted/gemmed gear. As a raid leader it would also be nice to see that i have backup tanks, healers or DPS that have a spec with the appropriate enchanted/gemmed gear.
Any possibility to view your alts (or main) info with eg?
I'm on the fence.
On one hand, I don't think it's a bad thing to show. On the other hand, I don't want it to be something people abuse because it's easily visible. If it does happen, it will likely be a very simple separate addon.