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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. conflict with the fallowing addonsAtlasLootFuCartographerDaily Quest ViewerDecursiveoRA2At that point, it was saying it was having issues with itself, so I'm thinking since 3.2, the addon may need some kind of update? I have many addons that say they are out of date, but they function fine, this is the only one I'm having problems with.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?Nothing shows up but the error message
What version of the product are you using?2.2.4-R149
Do you have an error log of what happened?YES
Please provide any additional information below.
Date: 2009-05-24 16:26:08ID: -1Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: ..\AddOns\ElkBuffBars\EBB_BarGroup.lua line 93: <unnamed>:SetPoint(): trying to anchor to itselfDebug: (tail call): ? ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:25: ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:23 ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:1055: ManualEnable() ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:983: ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:976 [C]: ? ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:260: TriggerEvent() ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:910: ...ddOns\ElkBuffBars\libs\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903AddOns: Swatter, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) ACP, v3.1.0.17 Altoholic, v3.1.002b ArkInventory, v3.02 Atlas, v1.14.1 AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.14.1 AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.14.1 AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.14.1 AtlasTransportation, v1.14.1 AtlasLoot, vv5.05.00 AucAdvanced, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucFilterBasic, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucFilterOutlier, v5.4.4157.2531 AucMatchUndercut, v5.4.4157.2531 AucStatClassic, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucStatHistogram, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucStatiLevel, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucStatPurchased, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucStatSales, v5.4.4157.2842 AucStatSimple, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucStatStdDev, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) AucStatWOWEcon, v5.4.4157.2530 AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.4.4157.3311 AucUtilAppraiser, v5.4.4157.2530 AucUtilAskPrice, v5.4.4157.3175 AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.4.4157.3142 AucUtilCompactUI, v5.4.4157.2530 AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.4.4157.3583 AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.4.4157.3108 AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.4.4157.2545 AucUtilScanButton, v5.4.4157.2530 AucUtilScanFinish, v5.4.4157.2530 AucUtilScanProgress, v5.4.4157.2530 AucUtilSearchUI, v5.4.4157.3655 AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.4.4157.0 AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.4.4157.2530 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130 Bartender4, v4.3.3 BeanCounter, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) BossTactics, v2.9 Configator, v5.1.DEV.130 DBMCore, v DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130 ElkBuffBars, v2.2.4-149 EnhancedCharStats, v1.21 Finklestein, v13 FishingBuddy, v0.9.7d FuBar, v FuBarAlchemyFu, v FuBarMoneyFu, vv1.2.1 FuBaruFriends, v FuBaruGuild, v Gatherer, v3.1.13 Grid, v1.30100.2009041601 GridDynamicLayout, v1.0 GridManaBars, v0.9 GridStatusGrace, vv3.01.01.03 release GridStatusHots, v3.1 gridstatusmending, vv3.01.01.03 release GridStatusMissingBuffs, vv3.01.01.05 release GridStatusSelf, v1.0 GridUnitMenu, v30100.0 Informant, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) LibRock10, v LinkWrangler, v1.77 LinkWranglerAuctioneer, v1.2 Livestock, v1.1.6 MBB, v Omen, v3.0.7 OmniCC, v2.5.3 OmniCCPulse, v1.1.0 Outfitter, v4.7.3 Overachiever, v0.42 PoMTracker, v2.61 Postal, v3.1.2 Prat30, v3.1.5 Prat30Libraries, v Producer, v2.4.1 ProducerEffect, v1.2.1 ProducerPosition, v1.2.1 Quartz, v1.0 QuestHelper, v1.0.18-beta RatingBuster, v Recount, v sct, v6.2 SexyMap, v SlideBar, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) SmartRes, v6.03 Stubby, v5.4.4157 (WallabyII) Talented, v2.2 TipTac, v09.05.17 TipTacItemRef, v09.04.17 TipTacTalents, v09.05.17 TomTom, vwowi:revision TradeTrak, v VisualHeal, v WIM, v3.1.1 WowLink, v0.9.8 XLoot, v0.9 XLootMonitor, v0.7 XPerl, v3.0.3c XPerlArcaneBar, v XPerlParty, v XPerlPartyPet, v XPerlPlayer, v XPerlPlayerBuffs, v XPerlPlayerPet, v XPerlTarget, v XPerlTargetTarget, v (ck=af6)
The error means that a bargroup is trying to stick to itself. In theory, that's something that shouldn't be possible unless you changed the saved variables yourself. What exactly did you do before this error started to happen on login? - edit the saved variables - delete a bargroup - reposition a bargroup - ...
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